Recent Study Advice

Australia - Cost, Financial Aid and Visa

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Tuition cost in Australia may be somewhat similar to costs in other countries but the cost of living is comparatively cheaper.
Secondary school tuition A$5,000 - A$10,000 p. a. (Board costs extra)
English Courses A$7,000 - 10,000 p.a.
TAFE courses a$8,000 - 10,000 p.a.
Degree courses a$12,000 - 17,000 p.a.
Masters courses a$12,000 - 20,000 p.a.
Laboratory based degree courses in Science and Engineering up to a$20,000 per year
Foundation Studies a$ 1000 for Academic prep course, a$ 12,000 and more for universities entrance diplomas
Additional charges of between a$100 - a$250 a year cover student association, library and sports facility costs. A single student requires about a$10,000 - a$ 12,000 a year for living expenses.
Temporary working arrangements for courses lasting 6 months are liable to taxation for earnings of over a$5,800. Permission to gain employment depends on the type of visa issued and covers a maximum of 20 hours a week during the course/full-time during vacation. It should not be used as a means of financing studies in Australia.

Majority of international students have to finance their study in Australia. Scholarships and grants for study exist but are limited and are awarded according to specific selection criteria. Many scholarships are available at postgraduate level while at undergraduate level there is limited financial assistance available for overseas students.

Postgraduate scholarships
Australia has a number of research centres jointly funded by the Government and industry. There are research programs at many universities. Postgraduate students come from around the world to participate in these programs. A limited number of scholarships are made available. Australian universities advise postgraduate scholars on how to apply.
Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) - AIDAB, a part of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, administers overseas aid program. This overseas aid is used for bilateral assistance in developmental projects in Third World countries, e.g., for disaster relief, food, etc. It is also used with multi-lateral agencies, e.g., the UN, etc. AIDAB sponsors students from developing countries for study in Australia. From an approximate allocation of $100 million a large amount is used for South East Asian countries. Awardees study at universities and TAFE colleges more commonly to study for postgraduate degrees. Short duration training, attachment to industry, government departments or professional visits are also sponsored.
Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) - The two main scholarship schemes for international students- ASTAS and ADCOS have been replaced in 1997 by the Australian Development Scholarships (ADS).

ADS awards are instituted either by a Government and Public Sector partnership or through open selection of direct applicants. The selection is made jointly by Australian Aid and the local authorities and is evenly disbursed to male and female applicants.
All Australian universities, technical training institutions provide the ADS award facility. Australian Aid administers the award on the basis of course preference given by the applicants.
ADS award includes the following areas: Airfare costs, tuition fees, health insurance and maintenance allowance. ADS is admissible to students travelling to Australia for a language, technical, graduate or postgraduate course.
For this scholarship selection is based on academic merit. Information and application forms are obtainable from Australian Education Centres and Diplomatic Missions.

Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme for Overseas Students -The purpose of the overseas postgraduate research scholarship (OPRS) scheme (sponsored by Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs) is to attract top quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research in higher education institutions and to support Australia’s research effort.
The program offers the opportunity to obtain a postgraduate qualification and to gain experience with leading Australian researchers. The scholarships are available for either PhD or Masters Level; for example: overseas students who undertake quality research (fundamental or applied) in areas of research or specialization in individual institutions. These areas are ones in which the institution has particular expertise, has concentrated its research resources and has attracted grants from outside sources. If successful you become a member of a research team working under the direction of senior researchers.
A very large number of scholarships are available for postgraduate study.

Eligibility - Citizen of any overseas country (except New Zealand), commencing full-time study for a higher degree by research in an Australian higher education institution is eligible.
There are no age restrictions. You will not be considered eligible if you are -

  • An overseas student who has already obtained a PhD degree or equivalent;
  • An overseas student who has already obtained a Masters degree by research and who seeks to undertake another Master degree by research;
  • An overseas student who has commenced PhD study prior to 1st January of the year for which the scholarship is to be awarded;
  • An overseas student who wishes to pursue a Masters degree by research under the scholarship and has commenced Masters by Research study prior to 1st January of the year for which the scholarship is to be awarded, or
  • An overseas student who is currently studying or has recently studied on a scholarship sponsored by the Australian Agency for International Development (Aus AID). Aus AID scholarships require that students and their dependents leave Australia on completion of the course for which the Aus AID funding has been provided, and must not return to Australia within 2-years under concessional or family categories. It is not expected that former Aus AID students who return on other grounds will receive further Australian Government funding within the 2-year period.

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and research capacity.
The scholarship covers tuition fees allocated by the institution and payable for each year of the course. The scholarship is normally for three years for students enrolled in PhD degree programs and two years for students enrolled in Masters Degree programs by research. Extensions may be granted in certain circumstances.
Holders of overseas PG research scholarship (OPGRS) and their dependants may be given basic health cover.
The scholarship does not provide financial support for the cost of English language testing, bridging programs or English language programs, nor does it provide a living allowance or allowances covering other expenses.
You cannot receive concurrent assistance from an OPGRS and from other Australian Government scholarship programs or under programs to which the Australian Government makes a substantial financial contribution (such as the Fulbright Program). However, you may obtain additional support to cover living expenses from private sources or from higher education institutions' scholarship programs.

Application procedure - When seeking enrolment at a higher education institution, you should indicate your interest in applying for an OPRS. The institution will then provide the appropriate application form. You must apply direct to the institutions.

The closing date for applications is set by institutions. Most institutions have a closing date in September or October, but some may require you to apply earlier.
You will be advised of the outcome of your application by late December.

Participating institutions - Given below are the participating institutions:

New South Wales
Charles Stuart University, Macquarie University, Southern Cross University, University of New England, University of New South Wales, University of Newcastle, University of Sydney, University of Technology, Sydney, University of Western Sydney, University of Wollongong

Deakin University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, University of Ballarat, University of Melbourne, Victoria University of Technology

Bond University, Central Queensland University, Griffith University, James Cook University of North Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, University of Queensland, University of Southern Queensland

Western Australia
Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, University of Western Australia

South Australia
Flinders University, University of Adelaide, University of South Australia

Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania

Northern Territory
Northern Territory University

Australian Capital Territory

Australian National University, University of Canberra

Australian Catholic University

United Nations aid agencies and multinational aid organizations- A number of organizations such as the World Health Organization, Save the Children Fund, Commonwealth Fellowship and Training Program, Rotary International, the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, the Winrock Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Asian Development Bank, the United Nations Development Program and various home Governments have sponsored students to study in Australia in the past.
Scholarship holders may be nominated by their home Government or may submit a direct application that is supported by their home Government. The Manager of the Fellowships
Program at these organizations may be contacted for information regarding the nomination procedures for the various awards.

Exchange programs

Australian institutions encourage overseas students through exchange or partially subsidized student Program. In many instances, Australian universities have negotiated formal exchange agreements with institutions abroad, particularly when there are close similarities with courses offered for the mutual benefit of the students at each institution.
Under this exchange scheme, international students can be enrolled in their home institution while undertaking studies in Australia. No fee is charged by the Australian host institution and a part of all of the overseas student's studies in Australia is credited to his or her course in the home country.
Students coming to Australia under an exchange agreement generally stay only one semester or one year. To subsidize their living costs while in Australia, exchange students are granted equal work rights.
Students interested in exploring exchange Program with an Australian institution should consult the Dean of their university.


Australian law permits overseas students to work upto 20 hours a week when classes are on, during vacations they can work full time. A student can earn up to $200 every week for meeting living costs.

Gazetted and non-Gazetted countries
Australian Government has classified countries giving them gazetted and non-gazetted recognition. Gazetted countries ensure that there is no overstay or non-compliance with entry conditions. As India is a non-gazetted country, Indian students may apply for a Students Temporary Visa before confirming enrolment at the chosen institution, or paying tuition fees or even obtaining an AA form. Government sponsored students and secondary exchange students are exempted from this process. They must enroll in a course, obtain AA form and then apply for Visa.
Students may, before submitting visa fees which is non-refundable, assess their eligibility using the self-assessment guide obtainable from the Australian High Commission.

Student visa

For study visa student should present the AA Form to the Embassy or Consulate and fill the student visa application form. The student will then be issued with a Student Temporary Visa. The visa application process requires a medical examination and medical insurance.
It is a normal requirement that some portion of a student's fees be paid in advance to the enrolling institution. As a general rule, however, the first semester's fees should be paid on receipt of the visa. Visa is granted:

  • To only a genuine student, abiding by visa conditions and intending to depart on completion of course;
  • On acceptance for a registered course or part of a registered course on a full-time basis;
  • On evidence of arrangements made in Australia for health insurance and adequate financial support;
  • When for any dependents of school age the applicant must have made adequate arrangements for education and has obtained an acceptance advice form (AA).

Exchange Students - Senior Secondary
Students in a secondary exchange Program must apply for a Student (Temporary) Visa. Successful applicants will receive an Acceptance Advice instead of an AA Form for Secondary Exchange Students (AASES) from the State/Territory education authorities.

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