The Indian Army introduced the Women Special Entry Scheme for Officers (WSES-O), in 1992. The initial intake of 25 cadets per batch in 1992 was increased to 50 in 1996. On being commissioned, women officers have the option of joining any of the following branches : the Army Services Corps (ASC), the Army Ordinance Crops (AOC), the Army Education Corps (AEC), Judges Advocates General (JAG), Engineers and Signals and Intelligence. On selection, cadets under-go training at the officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai for about six months.
After successful completion of the training, officers are commissioned as Lieutenants for an initial five years, followed by the option to extend their service by another five years.
Physical standards required-The following are the minimum physical standards:
Height and weight - The minimum acceptable height and weight for women in 152 cm and 42 Kg respectively.
Vision -
Visual acuity (min) Distant Vision (corrected) Better eye 6/6 worse eye 6/18, Myopia of not more than minus 5.5 D including astigmatism. Candidates who have undergone Radial Karatotomy or Lasik Surgery are not acceptable. To be passed as fit, a candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duty.
Training -
Approximately 6 months training at OTA, Chennai is given after successful completion of which candidates are granted commission in the rank of Lt. The final allocation of Arms/services is made before the candidates pass out of OTA. 2 years antidate is granted for engineering graduates.
Air Force
After qualifying in the Services Selection Board (SSB), cadets from the flying branch join the Air Force Academy for six months whereas those in the technical branch joint the Air Force Technical College for a duration of four months. Women officers serve in frontline Air Force transport and helicopter squadrons in the flying. Technical, Administrative, Logistic, Education and Medical branches. The tenure for SSC officers is 10 years, which can be extended by another five.
Commission for Women in the Air Force (Short Service)
Physical requirements -
Same as army. For flying branch minimum height 162.5 cms, leg length 99-120 cm. Not colour/night blind or wearing glasses.
Women officers join Navy in the following branches – Law, Logistics, Education, Air Traffic Control and Naval Architects, on-shore in the Indian Navy. On clearing the SSB screening, cadets – before opting for different units for specialized courses – go through a common six-months programme at the Naval Academy, Mandavi, Goa. The officers are commissioned as Sub Lieutenants for 10 years, after which, they can opt for two extensions of a two year duration, each. Training schedule and other medical requirements are similar as for men in navy.
Commission for Women in Navy (Short Service)
For entry, age requirements, educational qualification and selection refer to Table (Commission in Navy Men/Women section)
Physical standards -
Relaxation for female candidates in addition to medical requirements mentioned in general.
Height and weight -
Minimum acceptable height 148 cms, weight 38.6 Kgs. The correlated weight should not vary from the average by more than 10%.
Vision -
6/36, 6/60 correctable to 6/6 (in each eye with glasses).
Selection and training -
Candidates recommended by Naval Headquarters after short listing are required to appear before the Naval Selection Board (at Bangalore and Bhopal and undergo tests in leadership qualities and physical fitness. Initial training is conducted at Naval Academy (NAVAC) situated in Goa, followed by training at other centres like Mumbai, Cochin and Visakhapatnam, Kochi (Education branch).