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Psychologists teach, counsel, carry out research, conduct programmes in an attempt to understand people. Psychology is both a science and a profession. As a science it is a systematic approach to the understanding of people and their behaviour. Psychology can be broadly defined as the study of the mind (normal or abnormal). It is the study of perception, memory, emotions, motives and attitudes. Its scope includes these functions in humans as well as in other animals.

Because we study these aspects mainly by listening to what people say and by observing what they, or animals, do, psychology has also been called the science of behavior. As a profession it is the application of the understanding of human behaviour to help solve human problems.

Psychology is so broad that it is frequently subdivided. Some important divisions within psychology have been described here.

Experimental psychology

Various branches of psychology use experimental methods such as questionnaire, survey or observation of behaviour.

Cognitive psychology is the study of thought processes, memory and language.

Physiological psychology studies relationships of psychological processes to the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system.

Comparative psychology is the study of the behavioural differences and similarities between species.

Developmental psychology is the study of the change of psychological processes as children grow into adulthood.

Social psychology examines how we behave in relation to other people how we act in groups and how our attitudes are affected by the society we live in. It is close to sociology.

Psychology of individual differences studies and attempts to measure those psychological qualities that differ from one person to the next, such as personality factors (eg extroversion and neuroticism) and intelligence.

Psycho metrics concerns itself with the same kind of work.

Abnormal psychology is concerned with deviations from normal behaviour, principally mental illnesses. Applied psychology relates itself to all of the branches of psychology applied to practical problems.

Psychology versus psychiatry

Many people mistake the role psychologists play. Diagnostic and therapeutic techniques clinical psychologists use in some ways may be similar to those used by psychiatrists but the major difference is in the use of drugs for treatment. Psychiatrists, are specialist medical practitioners using drug therapy along with psycho-therapeutic techniques. A psychoanalyst is a psychiatrist trained in using the methods and theories developed from the work of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a particular type of psychotherapy - the treatment of mental disorders by personal consultation and discussion with the patient. Some forms of psychotherapy are now also carried out by clinical psychologists.

Nature of Work

Psychologists study human behaviour and mental processes to understand, explain and modify people’s behaviour. They study the way a person thinks, feels or behaves. Psychologists gather information through controlled laboratory experiments; personality; performance; aptitude and intelligence tests; observation, interviews and questionnaires; clinical studies; or surveys. Since psychology deals with human behaviour, psychologists apply their knowledge and techniques to a wide range of human services, management, education, law and sports. In addition to the variety of work settings, psychologists specialize in many different areas.

Research psychologists investigate the physical, cognitive, emotional or social aspects of human behaviour.

Applied Psychologists are involved in counselling and conduct training programs ; do market research ; or provide mental health services in hospitals, clinics, or private settings.

Clinical psychologists work in general mental handicap or psychiatric hospitals and clinics, with patients in the community and even in old people’s homes, children’s homes and remand centres. They usually work with multi-disciplinary teams of health care professionals and there is often no clear dividing line between their work and that of psychiatrists. They may help the mentally or emotionally disturbed to adjust to life or help people deal with life stresses such as divorce or old age. Clinical psychologists, concern themselves with mental health programmes ranging from normal psychological crisis to extreme conditions.

Developmental psychologists study the patterns and causes of behavioural change from infancy to adulthood. Some concern themselves with behaviour during infancy, childhood, and adolescence, while others study changes that take place during maturity and old age. They describe, measure and explain age-related changes in behaviour, stages of emotional development, universal traits and individual differences and abnormal changes in development.

Educational psychologists design, develop and evaluate educational programs. They work mostly with children and teenagers who have problems in learning, whose behaviour is causing concern, or who have emotional problems. They try to discover what has gone wrong, using established tests, looking into the child’s background, and talking to parents, teachers and the child. They treat a child or teenager themselves largely through personal counselling and or advise the parents and teachers on how to help and say whether or not some form of remedial teaching is needed. Psychologists also work with handicapped children. They advise schools on organisation problems, or help design programmes for particular groups of pupils. They also give talks or group counselling for teenagers.

Experimental psychologists study behaviour processes and work with human beings and animals conducting experimental research on study of motivation, thinking, attention, learning and retention, sensory and perceptual processes, effects of substance use and abuse, and genetic and neurological factors in behaviour.

Industrial, organizational and marketing psychologists apply psychological principles to personnel administration, management and marketing problems. Policy planning, applicant screening, training and development, and organizational development and analysis are essential tasks. For example, an industrial psychologist may work with the management to develop better training programs and to reorganize the work rating to improve worker productivity or quality of work life.

Occupational psychologists are specialists in this area. They advise companies on improving training, job satisfaction and productivity. Their skills are used to help individuals needs and for handling such behavioural problems as low self-esteem or workplace bullying. They may specialise in industrial relations, vocational guidance and counselling, selection and recruitment, organisational structure, worker productivity, job satisfaction, consumer behaviour, personnel training and development and the interaction between humans and machines. The activities are extensive and relate almost entirely to high productivity, customer satisfaction and workers job satisfaction.

Engineering psychologists also belong to this branch and work with engineers and technicians to design systems that require workers or consumers and machines to interact. Developing training aids for those systems is also part of their work.

Consumer psychologists are concerned with consumer reactions to products or services. Market research requires their evaluation to assess consumer preferences. They advise on the basis of their research the best marketing methods.

Psychometrists study methods and techniques used to acquire and evaluate psychological data. They work with intelligence, personality, aptitude tests etc.

Social psychologists study group behaviour, leadership, attitudes and interpersonal perception. Social psychologists study the behaviour of people while interacting with each other and how they are affected by their environment. Social psychologists integrate the knowledge of sociology, anthropology (cultural), psychiatry and psychology. They study how groups influence individuals and vice versa. They have devised ways to study, group nature, attitudes, leadership patterns and structure. There are some new branches e.g Cognitive psychology, Health psychology and Neuropsychology.

Cognitive psychologist’s study the brain’s role in memory, thinking and perceptions and involve themselves with research related to artificial intelligence.

Neuropsychologists study the relation between human physical systems and behaviour. The emergence and growth of these specialists reflect the increasing participation of psychologists in providing direct services to special patient populations. For example, these psychologists work in stroke and head injury programs, oncology programs, and medical practices specializing in neurology.

Criminology and legal psychologists work in prisons, juvenile centres and special hospitals. They work with staff and inmates and provide a range of rehabilitative programmes through individual as well as group therapy.

Other areas of specialization include community psychology, comparative psychology, environmental psychology and rehabilitation psychology.

Work Environment

Psychologists work under varied conditions. Those who work in academics and research work are in an academic setting provided with laboratory. In the school they meet with students and parents in an office located on the campus. Self employed psychologists work from a private office/clinic. In service psychologists work in hospitals, nursing homes, business organisations, industries, market research organisation etc. depending on the speciality. The work is one of responsibility and hence involves considerable stress.

Personal Characteristics

Psychologists must have a serious desire to help people understand themselves and others. A basic curiosity is required as well as fascination with the way human mind works. Psychologists work is a people's job i.e psychologists have to work with abilities, interest and temperaments of all kinds of persons. Working with clients and patients can be emotionally involving yet the psychologist has to help without getting emotionally involved. Thinking logically and creatively are assets which facilitate problem solving.

Good communication skills are needed by psychologists who spend much of their time listening and talking to clients and patients and writing reports. Patients and clients confidentiality is important. There is an obvious ethical aspect to the work hence it is important to be tolerant and to avoid judgemental decisions.

Psychology uses statistics to evaluate the outcomes hence psychologists should be numerate and should be able to use computers. They should be systematic and methodical workers, capable of organizing their work along with maintaining required interactions.

Employment Avenues

Psychologists placement is determined by their area of specialisation. Psychologists work with Schools, Colleges and Professional Institutes, Industries and Market research groups, Hospitals, Rehabilitation Centres, Prison and remand homes, Govt. Social Welfare departments, Selection Boards, Banks Placement agencies, Consultation firms, Medical Clinic and Research and as Teachers/Professors in colleges.

Study and Training

The study of psychology may begin at the +2 stage or at graduation. Specialisations in the subject (in branches described in preceding paragraphs) can be pursued at the post graduate level or through professional training after post graduation. Psychology is both a science and art and so it is part of a Science curriculum as well as Arts curriculum in Indian Universities. Post graduate courses in psychology are not offered to students who have not graduated with Psychology.

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