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Company Secretary - Study and Training

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The Institute of Company Secretaries of India is constituted to develop and regulate the profession of Company Secretaries in India. The Institute has its headquarters at New Delhi and four regional offices at Calcutta, Chennai, Delhi & Mumbai. The Institute has four Regional Councils and under their jurisdiction 36 Chapters.

One of the prescribed qualifications for a company secretary is membership of the Institute of Company Secretaries. To become a member of the Institute, preliminary, intermediate, and final examinations conducted by the Institute have to be cleared. He is further required to possess practical experience ranging from two to three years or undergo Management Training for 15 months and in addition undergo four months practical training in a company which is arranged by the Institute. A person after passing the Final examination may enrol as 'Licentiate ICSI' at his option until he completes the practical training requirements. After qualifying in the Final examination and undergoing practical training, he is eligible to be admitted as an Associate Member and can use the letter "A.C.S." after his name to indicate that he is an Associate. Senior Associate members may be entitled to become Fellows and on admission can use the letters 'F.C.S.'. No person except a member of the Institute can use the designation "Company Secretary" or use the letters "A.C.S." or "F.C.S." after his name. Admission is open to anyone who has passed the graduate examination of a university in India or any other equivalent qualification or those who have taken the foundation examination.

Academic Training

Students on enrollment undergo a course of compulsory Postal tuition imparted by the institute from headquarters in New Delhi. Under the Compulsory Postal Tuition scheme the students are provided with study material and test papers for various subjects. Response sheets have to be submitted for compulsory test papers for evaluation and comments. The completion of the postal tuition is certified . Oral tuition is conducted in addition to the postal tuition by regional councils/chapters, satellite chapters or authorised institutes. Students may take the required qualifying examination of the compulsory postal tuition.

Foundation course after +2

After +2 a student is eligible to take the Foundation Course.

The objectives are :

-- To offer an opportunity to students passing the Senior Secondary examination, the stage at

Duration - Foundation course is of 8 months duration. Students enrolled upto 31st March can take examination in December in the same year and those enrolled upto 30th September can take examination in June of next year subject to satisfactory completion of coaching and other formalities.

Subjects - The following subjects are covered in the foundation course

-- English and Business Communication

-- Business Law and Management

-- Financial Accounting

-- Business Economics and Business Environment

-- Information Systems and Quantitative Techniques

Examination- Examination is conducted twice a year , in June and December.

Qualifying marks - A student is declared to have passed the Foundation examination if he/she

secures at one sitting a minimum of 40 per cent marks in each subject and 50 per cent marks

in the aggregate of all subjects.

Medium of instruction/examination - The Institute allows the option of writing the response sheets under postal coaching and examination in English or Hindi medium.

Course fee - Rs. 600 admission fee and Rs. 1200 postal tuition fee. For revised fees see

After foundation course - Candidates who pass the Foundation examination are eligible to seek registration for the Company Secretaryship Intermediate Course.

Exemption - All graduates in any discipline (other than Fine Arts) and persons who have passed the Final examination of ICAI or ICWAI are eligible to seek exemption from Foundation examination and can seek direct registration as a student for the Intermediate Course of the Company Secretaryship.

Enrolment - It is open throughout the year. For appearing in the June examination, enrollment must be completed by ­September and for appearing in December examination, enrollment must be completed by March.

Entry for graduates

The course is of 18 months duration but offers partial exemptions to some categories of applicants. The course completes after a preliminary, intermediate and final examination.

Exemption from preliminary examination - Exemption is granted to those who hold one of the following qualifications :

--A degree in Corporate Secretaryship or Commerce

-- National Diploma in Commerce awarded by All India Council for Technical Education

-- Pass in final examination of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India or Chartered Accountants of India

-- Degree in any discipline other than Fine Arts with 50% or more in the aggregate in all subjects

-- Masters in any discipline other than Fine Arts

-- Degree in any discipline other than Fine Arts with diploma in Commerce, Company Secretarial Practice or Management awarded by government or any Company Secretarial Practice or Management awarded by Government or any University or professional institution recognised by the council.

Preliminary examination- Following subjects are covered:

-- English and Business Communication

-- Business Organisation and Management

-- Principles of Accountancy

Intermediate Examination- Students enrolled in Company Secretaries course have to appear for the Intermediate examination. Minimum qualification are Foundation course/ Graduation or those eligible for exemption.

Subjects of Intermediate Examination are :

Group1- General and Commercial Laws, Tax laws, Company Accounts Cost and Management Accounts, Management Information Systems, Corporate and Business Communication.

Group 2- General Laws, Commercial Law, Company Accounts, Cost & Management Accounting

Final Examination - Final Examination can be taken after 18 months of enrolling in the course and having undergone satisfactory postal or oral tuition for the particular group of final examination. Minimum qualifications are intermediate course.

Subjects of final examination -

Group I

-- Advanced Company Law and Practice

-- Secretarial Practice relating to Economic Laws and Drafting and Conveyancing

Group 2

-- Advanced Company Law and Practice

-- Secretarial Practice - relating to economic Laws & drafting & conveyancing

-- Secretarial Management & Systems Audit

--HumanResource Management and Industrial Relation

Group 3

-- WTO- International Trade, Joint Venture and Foreign Collaborations

-- Direct and Indirect Taxation Law and Practice

Practical Training- Besides passing the Intermediate and Final examinations students are required to possess specified practical experience and undergo practical training.

CS online course

The web-based e-learning module allows students to work at their convenience and keep in touch with faculty. This allows easy access to students in any part of the country.

Management/Apprenticeship Training

Student who do not possess the specified practical experience have to undergo on the job management training for period of sixteen (16) months in recognised companies or apprenticeship training for a period of one year on full time basis or two years on part time basis under a Company Secretary in practice.

Besides the Management/Apprenticeship training students are also required to get practical training for three months. This is exempted for students who have undergone 15 months Management training. The training is aimed to develop managerial abilities, with emphasis on legal secretarial/finance areas of Corporate Management. It builds commercial orientation, problem solving capabilities and develops insight into the emerging business environment required by Company Secretaries. This training builds self-confidence in the trainees to enable them to deal with routine as well as crisis situations. Companies and practising Company Secretaries are authorized for imparting Management/Practical/Apprenticeship training.

Candidates passing the final examination of the Institute are compulsorily required to undergo the Secretarial Modular Training Programme (SMTP) designed by the Institute for a period of 15 days as a part of the practical training requirements.

The evolving options

-- Business Laws and Secretarial Practice

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