There are Foundation and Bridge courses which you could take before entering the university. These courses intend to `bridge the gap' between Indian education and British education.
After a degree or a postgraduate degree students register with professional organizations to become members. This assures them a status of professional competence
Studying Accountancy
In UK specialist professional bodies impart training and award qualifications in Accountancy. These qualifications are generally equivalent to under graduation.
Following are five major professional organizations in the area of Accountancy:
- Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, 29 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3EE
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 63 Portland Place, London W1N 4A
- Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting, 3 Robert Street, London WC2N 6BH
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Chartered Accountants Halls, PO Box 433, Moorgate Place, London EC2 2BJ
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 27 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1LA
Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (ACCA) - The ACCA conducts the professional exams in 3 stages - Foundation, certificate and professional. Minimum eligibility is 2 A-levels and 3 GSCE in 5 separate subjects including English and Maths. Students who have work experience and are graduates may be exempted from the foundation exam. Partial waivers from the professional level are given to those who have done a degree or HND/HNC in Accounting. For membership of ACCA three to five years of experience is required. ACCA offers distance learning courses also. ACCA has examination centers in almost 100 countries.
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) - The CIMA course has 4 stages of exams and practical training for membership. Applicants to the course require two A-levels and three GCSEs including English and Maths. Some exemption may be granted to those who have a BTEC (see BTEC in earlier sections) or higher national diploma or Degree in a relevant subject.
Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting (CIPFA) - CIPFA course is relevant for those keen on working for Public Bodies in UK. The course consists of three professional examinations for which the minimum entry requirements are 2 A-levels, 3 GCSE including Maths and English. Graduates are exempt from the foundation course if they have studied related subjects.
Association of International Accountants (AIA) - This has several branches in the world. In Asia, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore have branches; AIA curriculum can be oriented to local requirements. The exam can be taken after study course for which eligibility is 2A levels. 3 GCSE passes including English and Maths or graduation from any discipline which may permit some course exemptions. AIA qualification is granted after 3 years work experience.
For information write to:
Association of International Accountants, South Bank building, Kingsway, Team Valley, Newcastle upon Tyne NE II OJS
Study of Maths, Business, Legal and Social Studies will also help in gaining exemption from part of the professional training.
Studying business studies
A degree in Business Studies is offered by several universities and colleges in UK. The subject includes study of economics, accounting and finance management, marketing, statistics, human resources, and law. Last year of the degree is normally spent in specialization in a branch of business management. Special feature of degree courses in UK is that it offers specialized degrees and even joint degrees. You could, e.g., do a specialized degree in strategic marketing or a joint degree in business studies and computer science.
Business studies in a degree course are offered as a sandwich course of 4 years duration or a non-sandwich course which takes 3 years.
Postgraduate courses - Postgraduate studies can be done in areas such as in management, finance, marketing, information systems, tourism management, human resource management, industrial relations etc. Course choices are diplomas, certificates or masters and last one to two years. The entry requirement is a degree/BTEC or a higher national diploma.
For MBA courses, experience and GMAT scores are considered for entry.
Professional membership - In Britain membership of professional bodies is sought for better employment prospects. In the area of Business Studies some of the professional qualifications of relevance are given by:
- City and Guilds, National Examination Board for Supervisory Management, 76 Portland Place, London, W1N 4AA
- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, 16 Park Crescent, London, W1N 4AH
- Chartered Institute of Marketing, Moor Hall, Cookham, Maidenhead, Berkshire 8L6 9QH
- Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC), Central House, Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0HH
- Institute of Management, Management House, Catt Ingham Road, Carby, Northamptanshire, NN 171 TT
- London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board (LCCIEB), Marlowe House, Station House, Sidcup, Kent DA 15 7BJ
- National Council for Vocational Qualification (NCVQ), 222 Eusten Road, London NW1 2BZ
NCVQ provides a national framework for vocational qualifications. The standards of this are laid down on the basis of the skills required in employment. Qualifications are structured by City and Guilds, and BTEC.
Studying management
In the UK, as in most parts of the world MBA or a postgraduate course in management is very popular. Most universities have a business school which conducts the MBA course as well as short management programs. In Britain private management colleges also offer short term courses as well as postgraduate courses in affiliation with universities. These MBA courses are designed to give practical inputs to managers along with academic skills. The standards as required in the job market are explored and then laid down as set standards in courses for potential managers. At the undergraduate level there are only management related courses available such as business studies. If you have studied Economics and Maths at school you certainly have better chances of entering an undergraduate course. Institutions have different entry requirements and generally 2 or 3 A-levels are required. Maths is certainly a valuable subject for someone who wishes to pursue studies in management, science and operational research. Postgraduate courses in management are of nine months duration followed by 3 months of project work. M.Sc or MA in Management offers specialization in project management, marketing, tourism, entrepreneurship, industrial relations, information systems, etc. MBA is offered as full time/part time course as well as through distance learning. In the UK most universities give favorable consideration to applicants with work experience.
Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) scores are valid for admission to most MBA courses. Students with an undergraduate degree and no work experience must opt for a diploma in management studies and then apply for a master's degree course.
Addresses for reference for applicants to MBA, MA, MS courses in Management
- Association of Business Schools, 344-354 Greys Inn Road, London WC1X 8BPX
- Institute of Management Services, 1 Cecil Court London Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 6DD
- Institute of Administrative, Management, 40 Chatsworth Parade Pitts Wood Orpington, Kent BR5 1RW, Web site :
- Business and Technology Education, Council Central House, Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0HH
- Institute of Management Specialists, Alexander House, 58 Clarendar Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 45A
Studying art and design
The study of art and design incorporates a wide number of fields of study. Painting, fine art, printmaking, lithography, sculpture, film, photography, cinematography, performance and computer aided design.
Types of courses - Entry to an undergraduate course is usually after a foundation course of one year duration followed by 3 or 4-year degree courses. Art education follows 2 major patterns in UK. One is related to enhancing and exploring individual creativity while the other is more technical (applied) and oriented to the industry. There are courses in graphic design, e.g., which teach techniques for print making (typography, illustration) and design for film and television including computer graphics. Industrial design, i.e., designing of products, furniture, ceramics, plastics, interiors form part of three dimensional design.
There are courses in photography, textiles, fashion, audio-visual design and multidisciplinary courses in which the study of design and other subjects is integrated. At the postgraduate level art and design courses can be pursued at the higher degree level (through research work), diploma or certificate level.
Art Teachers certificate/diploma/courses are to train those holding a B Ed degree for teaching art subjects in schools. Indian applicants for Art Teachers Certificate (ATC), Art Teachers Diploma (ATD) or for Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) must apply to the art and design colleges.
Professional designers may seek membership of professional organisations in the UK, e.g., the Chartered Society of Designers. For membership portfolio has to be submitted and membership examination has to be cleared. The address for correspondence is as follows:
- Chartered Society of Designers, 29 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EG
- Art and Design Admission Registry, Penn House, 9 Broad Street, Hereford HR4 9AP
- Chartered Society of Designers, 29 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EG
- National Society for Education in Art and Design, The Gate house, Corsham Court, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0PZ
- National Association of Fine Art Education, Department of Art, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, International House, Lancaster Street, Birmingham B4 7AT
Studying architecture
The study of architecture normally takes seven years in UK. A full time course is offered at schools of architecture in universities and other institutes of higher education. There are 2 professional bodies which regulate the course structure -
- The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), 66 Portland Place, London W1N 4AD.
- Architects Registration Council of the United Kingdom (ARCUK) 73 Hallam Street, London W1N 6EE.
The study of Architecture can be done in 3 stages. The first stage leads to an honors degree and lasts for 3 years. This is followed by a year of practical experience with an Architectural firm. The second stage of the training extends for 2 years. After completion of both these stages student can register with RIBA. The third stage is the Professional Practice Examination taken during the second stage of practical training. On completion of the seven-year period students can register as architects with the Architects Registration Council of UK and become members of professional bodies. For entry essential subjects are English, Maths and Science at the GCE `A' level or class XII level.
Studying tourism
Tourism courses can be studied through many types of courses: college awards, vocational qualifications, first degrees and postgraduate qualifications.
The GNVQs and NVQs are vocational courses in the travel industry. They are available for all types of jobs in the travel sector. The NVQ can be taken after registering with one of the professional bodies. Generally students are admitted to these courses after secondary education.
BTEC course in business studies covers travel and tourism also. British Travel Agents Association is a government authorized body for a career in travel. They run travel agents certificate course at 2 levels one for travel agents and the other for travel consultants. The Travel Training Company runs the International Air Transport Authority (IATA), Air Travel courses which deal with all aspects of air travel. IATA membership can be acquired on gaining the required training points.
Undergraduate courses are of 3 years duration. Sandwich courses need an additional year of work experience.
Relevant addresses are as follows:
The Travel Training Company, the Cornerstone, The Broadway, Woking, Surrey GU21 5(offers travel tourism courses through distance education.)
International Air Transport Association, Agency Services Office, Imperial House, 15-19 Kingsway, London WC2B 6UN
Studying hotel management
Hotel and Catering International Management Association (HCIMA) is a professional body which validates hotel management qualification. It admits members as Licentiate or Corporate Members.
HCIMA recognizes a 2-year certificate course and a diploma course of 3 years duration. Licentiate members of HCIMA are certificate holders. Corporate members are those with managerial experience. First degree courses are for 3 or 4 years and these provide exemption from the Hotel and Catering International Management Association's membership examinations. Postgraduate courses are of one year duration. Research degrees take longer. Information about HCIMA membership may be asked from:
Hotel Management Association, 191 Trinity Road, London SW17 7HN
Studying engineering
Engineering qualifications like most other qualifications can be studied at several levels. There exists the craft level, technician’s level, and the advanced technician level and degree courses accredited by the Engineering Council. There are exams conducted by the Engineering Council which provide an alternative route to technical personnel to get a degree. It is particularly meant for those who have not got a professional engineers status.
Those who register with the Engineering Council after acquiring a graduate/postgraduate qualification do not need it to practice engineering but only to establish there competence as an engineer in the international job market. The various branches of engineering civil, electrical and electronics, mechanical all follow the same training pattern. At the bottom of the rung is the crafts level which is training through jobs in the industry, qualifications being given by training boards. Next are the engineering technicians who take the BTEC national diploma or higher national diploma.
First degree courses are 3-year full time courses or 4-year sandwich courses leading to a Bachelor of Engineering. The Masters in Engineering takes another year. PhD or M.Phil studies are longer.
As in most other careers engineers too register with professional bodies concerned with their area of work and get the status of chartered engineers.
Here is a list of some professional bodies in various branches of engineering:
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London 8W1H 9J
- Institution of Mechanical Incorporated Engineers, 3 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JN
- The Engineering Council, 10 Malt avers Street, London WC2R 3ER
- The Engineering Council, Examination Department, Essex House, 12-13 Essex Street, London WC2R 3EG
- Engineering Careers Information Service, 41 Clarendon Road, Watford, Herts WD1 1HS
- Institution of Electronics and Electrical Incorporated Engineers, Savoy Hill, Savoy Hill House, London WC2R 0BS
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL
- Institution of Lighting Engineers, Lennox House, 9 Law ford Road, Rugby CV21 2DZ
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, Education and Liaison Service, Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2AY
- Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, Delta House, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS
- Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers, 20 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2DR
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 1 Great George Street, London SW1P 3AA
- The Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, 26 Market Street, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1PF
Studying medicine
Postgraduate medical studies in the United Kingdom (UK) require taking Professional and Linguistics Assessments Board (PLAB). The PLAB test is designed to assess both knowledge and skills, and ability to work safely as a senior house officer in a British hospital. The test can be taken in two parts. Part one is held at centers in the UK and in certain other countries. It consists of a single computer markable paper to a standard set using the 'Angoff method'. Part two can only be taken in the United Kingdom. If consists of a 14-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). This tests both clinical and communication skills. Entry to second part requires passing the first part. The second part must be taken within two years of having passed the first. Results are either 'pass' or 'fail'. The costs for part one is £ 145 and for part two is £ 430. In India the British Council Division administers the test in Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi.
Registration is generally in September for the test usually held in November.
Addresses for Contact:
British Council Divisioin, 737 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002,
Mittal Tower 'C' Wing, 2nd Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021,
New Delhi
17 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110001