EDUCATIONAL STRUCTURE Education in the United States of America is different in form and content from what we have in India.
School education
School education in USA is for 12 years. American children begin schooling at the age of three or four years and till the age of five years most children attend kindergarten. Elementary school begins at the age of 6 years. Schools follow two patterns : (a) elementary grades go upto class four followed by middle school for 3 years and then comes senior school from grade 9 to 12, (b) in another system elementary grades extend upto grade 6 followed by a combined Junior and Senior High School, i.e., from grade 7 to grade 12. With a secondary school (`high school') diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational (job training) school, secretarial school and other professional schools. Some secondary level programs of other countries are recognized as being higher than USA secondary program.
Schools in USA are managed both privately and by the State; in fact the public school system is run by the State Government which controls almost 80% of the country's elementary and high schools. The rest are private schools run by religious organizations or private groups. Public schools in USA are supported mainly by taxation. Private schools get their operating funds chiefly from tuition and contribution of private citizens.
Higher education
Undergraduate Education - Bachelor's degree in USA usually takes 4 years of study. There are Community/junior colleges or technical/vocational training institutions that grant a diploma or certificate which can not be equated with college degrees. Community and junior colleges offer academic and non academic subjects in 2-year programs granting associate degrees in Science or Art. The non academic associate degrees are for immediate employment and can not be transferred as a credit for a 4-year college degree course, where as academic transfer associate degree programs do allow students to transfer to degree courses at a university.
Graduate Education takes 2 years and requires 16 years of education for entry.
University and colleges - University education begins at 18 years after secondary education for undergraduate study. In higher education universities have autonomy to design their programs, curriculum and standards for admission. There is no `national university' or federal education ministry. Legal authority for the governance of most USA higher educational institutions rests with a Board of trustees who are honorary appointees. They generally delegate the day-to-day management to the administrative staff and faculty particularly for curriculum development, instruction and research. Every college or university - whether in a large city or in a smaller community - has a campus on a land which it owns. On this campus are located libraries, classrooms, laboratories, administrative and service buildings, hostels with dormitories, apartments, canteens and staff quarters. Facilities for sports and games, entertainment, e.g., club houses, theatre, student centre, etc. There is generally also an infirmary or hospital and a bookstore along with other special facilities a campus may provide.
A unique characteristic of a USA university campus is that it is a physically and socially unified community within a larger community. This has had a profound influence on the development of an individual's personality. Campus living encourages a close association among the students and the faculty. Many students find this association informal, friendly and supportive.
Generally the administrative organization of any university depends upon the number and size of schools or colleges on a campus. Many universities offer programs of professional preparation and hence have separate schools or colleges such as college of engineering, school of law, school of medicine. Each school has a chief executive officer known as `Dean'. Schools have departments and administrative sub-divisions, e.g., department of computer engineering, department of mathematics, economics and the like. Many universities have a general program called `liberal' program which is a separate school and has departments of subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, history, psychology, etc. The executive officer of each department is addressed as `chairperson' or `head'.
Objectives of higher education - The special objectives which higher education institutions hope to achieve are theoretically and even practically similar to ours in India. They aim to equip students with the necessary skills to take their places in a highly demanding, complex and multifaceted society. The courses have been designed for developing critical and practical skills for being useful contributors to society. They believe in placing greater emphasis on experiential learning through observation and measurement. Hence any student who plans to study in USA must be sure not to expect a directive `spoon feeding' approach in teaching but an approach which demands active participation and a self-steering attitude.
Academic year - The academic year is usually divided into two semesters: Fall is the August beginning semester and spring is the January beginning semester. All universities accept students in the fall semester. Only a few admit foreign students in the spring or January session.
The academic year is roughly 32 weeks long and sessions may begin from last week of August or during September. Each session is divided into academic terms or semesters. A two semester calendar seems to be the most popular option, each semester being of 16 weeks duration. The quarter system has 3 terms in an academic year each of about 10 weeks duration. There is a rare chance for a university to offer a trimester calendar for undergraduate study. In this system the whole calendar year is divided into three equal terms of 12 weeks duration. A few holiday periods range from one week to a month. Most universities have summer programs which last for the vacation period of 6-10 weeks. Many foreign students use this vacation time for planned study to complete a four year course in 3 years.
School education
School education in USA is for 12 years. American children begin schooling at the age of three or four years and till the age of five years most children attend kindergarten. Elementary school begins at the age of 6 years. Schools follow two patterns : (a) elementary grades go upto class four followed by middle school for 3 years and then comes senior school from grade 9 to 12, (b) in another system elementary grades extend upto grade 6 followed by a combined Junior and Senior High School, i.e., from grade 7 to grade 12. With a secondary school (`high school') diploma or certificate, a student can enter college, university, vocational (job training) school, secretarial school and other professional schools. Some secondary level programs of other countries are recognized as being higher than USA secondary program.
Schools in USA are managed both privately and by the State; in fact the public school system is run by the State Government which controls almost 80% of the country's elementary and high schools. The rest are private schools run by religious organizations or private groups. Public schools in USA are supported mainly by taxation. Private schools get their operating funds chiefly from tuition and contribution of private citizens.
Higher education
Undergraduate Education - Bachelor's degree in USA usually takes 4 years of study. There are Community/junior colleges or technical/vocational training institutions that grant a diploma or certificate which can not be equated with college degrees. Community and junior colleges offer academic and non academic subjects in 2-year programs granting associate degrees in Science or Art. The non academic associate degrees are for immediate employment and can not be transferred as a credit for a 4-year college degree course, where as academic transfer associate degree programs do allow students to transfer to degree courses at a university.
Graduate Education takes 2 years and requires 16 years of education for entry.
University and colleges - University education begins at 18 years after secondary education for undergraduate study. In higher education universities have autonomy to design their programs, curriculum and standards for admission. There is no `national university' or federal education ministry. Legal authority for the governance of most USA higher educational institutions rests with a Board of trustees who are honorary appointees. They generally delegate the day-to-day management to the administrative staff and faculty particularly for curriculum development, instruction and research. Every college or university - whether in a large city or in a smaller community - has a campus on a land which it owns. On this campus are located libraries, classrooms, laboratories, administrative and service buildings, hostels with dormitories, apartments, canteens and staff quarters. Facilities for sports and games, entertainment, e.g., club houses, theatre, student centre, etc. There is generally also an infirmary or hospital and a bookstore along with other special facilities a campus may provide.
A unique characteristic of a USA university campus is that it is a physically and socially unified community within a larger community. This has had a profound influence on the development of an individual's personality. Campus living encourages a close association among the students and the faculty. Many students find this association informal, friendly and supportive.
Generally the administrative organization of any university depends upon the number and size of schools or colleges on a campus. Many universities offer programs of professional preparation and hence have separate schools or colleges such as college of engineering, school of law, school of medicine. Each school has a chief executive officer known as `Dean'. Schools have departments and administrative sub-divisions, e.g., department of computer engineering, department of mathematics, economics and the like. Many universities have a general program called `liberal' program which is a separate school and has departments of subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, history, psychology, etc. The executive officer of each department is addressed as `chairperson' or `head'.
Objectives of higher education - The special objectives which higher education institutions hope to achieve are theoretically and even practically similar to ours in India. They aim to equip students with the necessary skills to take their places in a highly demanding, complex and multifaceted society. The courses have been designed for developing critical and practical skills for being useful contributors to society. They believe in placing greater emphasis on experiential learning through observation and measurement. Hence any student who plans to study in USA must be sure not to expect a directive `spoon feeding' approach in teaching but an approach which demands active participation and a self-steering attitude.
Academic year - The academic year is usually divided into two semesters: Fall is the August beginning semester and spring is the January beginning semester. All universities accept students in the fall semester. Only a few admit foreign students in the spring or January session.
The academic year is roughly 32 weeks long and sessions may begin from last week of August or during September. Each session is divided into academic terms or semesters. A two semester calendar seems to be the most popular option, each semester being of 16 weeks duration. The quarter system has 3 terms in an academic year each of about 10 weeks duration. There is a rare chance for a university to offer a trimester calendar for undergraduate study. In this system the whole calendar year is divided into three equal terms of 12 weeks duration. A few holiday periods range from one week to a month. Most universities have summer programs which last for the vacation period of 6-10 weeks. Many foreign students use this vacation time for planned study to complete a four year course in 3 years.