In New Zealand Higher education is a billion dollar industry now. The growth has been phenomenal over the past 5 years. Education now earns New Zealand as much forex as wool or butter or cheese, which have traditionally been New Zealand's strongest export commodities. The strong growth in expected to continue in years to come.
New Zealand education programs and degrees are recognized and accredited very much like - the British system.
School education
School education in New Zealand is for 13 years, beginning at the age of 5 years. Most schools are established and funded by the New Zealand Government but there are a number of secondary schools with special philosophical or religious traditions. These receive limited state funding. All schools prepare students for state examinations and are subject to stringent quality assurance assessments.
Education is free and compulsory between the age of 6 and 15 years. Secondary schools in New Zealand provide the last five years of formal education which prepares students for university and other types of tertiary education and vocational training. Secondary school includes Form 3 to Form 7. Students attending secondary schools are between ages of 13 and 18 years.
Secondary education
Forms (classes) 3 to 7 are the secondary classes in New Zealand which students enter at the age of 13 years. The curriculum in secondary schools is based on guidelines set by the Ministry of Education. In Forms 3 and 4 core subjects such as English, Science, Maths, Social Sciences and co-curricular subjects such as Music, Art and Craft and Physical Education are taught. In Form 5 English, Maths and Science are compulsory and students make a choice from Art, Commerce, Technology related subject and Languages. Form 5 is equivalent to our class X. Students take their first public examination in at least 6 subjects in Form 5. Those who get satisfactory grades are sent upto Form 6. In Form 6 students have to study 6 subjects and popular choices are English, Mathematics, Sciences, Commerce and Economics. Form 6 examination is an internal examination after which they are awarded a Sixth Form Certificate which is a grade card.
University Entrance Bursary and Scholarship Exams
Equivalent to our Senior Secondary or class XII examination are the Form 7 examinations. These examinations are the only accepted method for entry to New Zealand degree courses for students completing Forms 6 and 7 in New Zealand. For overseas students equivalent qualifications are recognized. In Form 7 students may select subjects which they intend to pursue at the tertiary level
Aggregate of 4 subjects is calculated for placement. To get admission into a degree program in New Zealand a minimum of 250 aggregate marks are required.