In New Zealand in the higher education sector there are universities, colleges of education, polytechnics, private institutions and private training establishments.
There are 8 universities and nearly 40 institutes of technology, colleges of education, and private tertiary education providers. These are located all over the North and South Islands of New Zealand.
New Zealand bases its education programs and degrees on the British system. Indian qualifications are well recognized for entry into New Zealand institutions. Students are taught in English, in an English speaking environment and earn qualifications that are internationally recognized. State of the art study facilities, safe, conducive environment, pastoral care and excellent student support systems are available to all students.
The courses are in effect Government guaranteed. The New Zealand education system is 'seamless' and has flexible entry levels. Qualifications are designed to allow students to enter and exit at different levels appropriate to their academic level and English language ability. They can enter straight after higher secondary school or at post graduate level. Qualifications range from post graduate and undergraduate degrees, diplomas, and National Certificates at both introductory and advanced levels. Doctoral studies are available at universities.
All New Zealand institutions work closely and have articulation agreements in place. Therefore cross-crediting between institutions is possible.
New Zealand Ministry of Education has introduced a new mandatory Code of Practice for all New Zealand education providers and institutions that become signatories to the Code of Practice are allowed to enroll international students or continue existing enrolments.
All New Zealand education programs offered to international students are approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), a New Zealand government organization responsible for quality control.
Universities offer standard degree programs in academic and professional studies. University education was established in New Zealand in 1870 and has a similar tradition like the British University system. There are eight state-funded universities in New Zealand, all of them internationally respected for their academic and research performance. In addition to a centrally coordinated system of quality assurance audits at both institution and program level, each university undertakes internal quality checks.
Some of the universities are almost a century old, the oldest being University of Otago. The universities are predominantly government funded national institutions offering undergraduate, graduate degree, diploma and certificate courses. All New Zealand universities offer a broad range of subjects in Arts, Commerce and Science. Each has developed its own specialist subjects such as Medicine, Engineering, Veterinary Science, Computer Studies, Agriculture and Environmental Studies.
The central coordinating body of the New Zealand universities is the Vice Chancellor's Committee with its office in Wellington. The committee involves itself in formulating, promoting and coordinating inter-university policies for which they meet on a regular basis. The Vice Chancellor of each university is an active member of this committee.
Academic year - In New Zealand the academic year begins in March. Each year has either three terms or 2 semesters. The 1st term extends from March to May, the 2nd from June to August and the 3rd from September to November. The semesters are from March to June and July to November. Summer in New Zealand is from December to February. The long vacation is from November to February. Mid- semester or term breaks are for 2-3 weeks. During the vacation there are short courses which the universities conduct for those who wish to enrich their coursework or improve on their performance. Research work continues even during the breaks.
Universities now offer an increasing number of summer schools.
Status of degrees from New Zealand - It has been seen in the past few years that graduates from New ZealandUK, USA and Canada. Even in job positions New Zealand universities are accepted readily in postgraduate courses in graduates and postgraduates compare well with their counterparts from other countries.
How is quality of education assured - Unlike the US universities which have to seek accredition, the university programs in New Zealand are monitored and overseen by New Zealand Vice Chancellors' committee. They scrutinize the program to check if it follows the laid down norms. The Qualifications Authority checks that appropriate criteria are being followed while approving new programs.
Colleges of education
New Zealand colleges of education offer courses for training of teachers for primary and secondary schools, as well as for early childhood education schools and special educators. Continuing or in-service education is part of their on-going training programs.
There are six institutions of which five receive their funds from the state and are autonomous while one institute is affiliated to the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Professional accredition - While the colleges are autonomous, the activities, programs and all aspects of the programs offered are under the Supervision of the New Zealand Council of Teacher Education (NZCTE). The council has been constituted of the Chairpersons of the governing body of each college of education and the principal of each college. The Council promotes excellence in various programs of teacher education and also formulates the national policy on educational issues. It has also been delegated by New Zealand Qualification Authority to accredit member institutions to offer approved teacher education and other courses. From these colleges of Teacher education NZCTE sponsors teachers through exchange programs to some leading countries.
Addresses for reference:
Massey University College of Education, Leon Wickham,Community Relations Officer, Centennial Drive,Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North,New Zealand
The International Manager, Christchurch College of Education, PO Box 31065
Christchurch, 8030, New Zealand
Selection Coordinator, Dunedin College of Education, Private Bag, 1912 Dunedin 9020, New Zealand
University of Waikato, School of Education, The International Centre, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand
Association of Colleges of Education in New Zealand (ACENZ), PO Box 10298
Wellington, New Zealand
Polytechnics or, in some cases, institutes of technology, form the New Zealand polytechnic system. These institutions are state funded and provide education and training at many levels, from introductory studies to full degree programs.
There are 24 polytechnics & institute of technology in New Zealand located in rural as well as urban settings. The Polytechnics offer many programs which are short duration as well as full degree programs in the following disciplines: Science, Business Studies, Arts, Health Care Training, Architecture, Trades, Languages and Social Science. A combination of academic and vocational courses is offered at polytechnics, funded by the government, which also has linkages with industry and business organizations.
All polytechnics are members of an Association of Polytechnics formed by principal members of each polytechnic. This council or association monitors all curriculum development programs and communicates with sister organizations. Most universities have agreements which recognize the successful completion of a course of study at a New Zealand polytechnic or institute of technology as an entrance qualification. Some students are able to enter a university course of study with credit towards their chosen degree program.
Private tertiary institutes
There is an increasing number of private tertiary institutes and training establishments in New Zealand. These providers offer a wide range of courses including English language study options. International students often enroll in these courses either to improve their English language prior to commencing university study or to pass examinations required for university entrance.
The degrees offered by private tertiary institutions have received their accredition (recognition) from the New Zealand Qualifications Authority which, as mentioned earlier, is a government agency with responsibilities for setting and reviewing education qualification standards. It offers tertiary courses as an alternative to state funded education in New Zealand. Private tertiary institutions grant degrees from the NZPTIC or New Zealand Private Tertiary Institutes Council. The NZPTIC acts as a link between the government and industry.
Addresses for reference:
Design & Art College of New Zealand Ltd.,Jo Winfield, Registrar, 116 Worcester Street, PO Box 539, Christchurch, New Zealand
Communications Manager, Auckland Institute of Studies at St. Helens,
PO Box 2995,Western Springs Auckland 1050, New Zealand
Faith Bible College, The Registrar, Private Bag, Tauranga, New Zealand
Whitecliffe College of Art & Design, PO Box 8192,Symonds Street, Auckland,New Zealand