Australian university awards are widely recognized throughout the world. In India, Australian Degrees are recognized by the Association of Indian Universities, which means they are recognized for the purpose of Government employment and for further study in an Indian university. In some professional fields there may be differences of approach between the different professional associations, so students should check with the university or with Australian Education International at the Australian High Commission in New Delhi.
Research - The quality of Australia's research effort and the strong research culture of the universities is an important strength of the higher education system. Staff at these centers undertakes high level research in a variety of fields. Over 60 Co-operative Research Centers have been established to promote links between the higher education sector and industry and undertake research in specific fields.
Autonomy and control of universities - Universities have a large degree of autonomy and structure their professional courses to satisfy the requirements of the relevant professional bodies to develop their research focus, priorities and strategies and provides for a diversity of research and course offerings. It also allows international students to choose an institution that reflects their priorities and focus of research. There are certain guidelines as codes of conduct which universities have to follow, e.g., the Australian Education Council code of conduct and code of ethical practice of the Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee which ensures that standards are duly maintained in courses offered to international students. Such codes of conduct are endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education.
The Higher Education Council (a division of the National Board of Employment, Education and Training) is responsible for providing references for quality. In addition the Government has appointed an independent body to oversee quality management. In 1990, the Australian Education Council established the Register of Australian Tertiary Education with responsibility to provide reference for information on accredition.
Australian universities are in reality; fairly autonomous implies that individual institutions have different strengths and capabilities which ensure academic innovation and the basis for research over a range of disciplines. While most Australian universities are self-accrediting a small number of private tertiary institutions submit their courses for external approval. Government provides funds to higher education institutions and ensures the quality of education. There are a number of government agencies and other independent organizations which oversee university operations and offer advice on policies affecting higher education.
TAFE was originally a centre of training for apprentices and tradesmen. These are technical courses being taught still along with many more courses, e.g., Business, Accountancy, Para Professional Courses (medical technology), etc. TAFE is owned by the government and is a nationally operated system of colleges. TAFE qualifications are internationally recognized and accepted. TAFE colleges provide world class training and TAFE students have been found to perform better than direct entrants to the Australian university.
TAFE courses are run in all States throughout Australia. There are over 2000 major TAFE colleges to choose from in Australia of which many are located in State capitals. (Refer to map in Annexure V). TAFE courses are varied and are being expanded every year.
Salient features of TAFE
- TAFE is government owned and very stable
- TAFE courses have been conducted for the past 100 years. During this period they have developed valuable industrial linkages for designing their curriculum and training
- Courses in TAFE institutions offer basic English programs, Bridging courses, Foundation courses as well as Diploma and Certificate courses enabling university entry
- The University system offers advanced entry to TAFE students, i.e., TAFE students can enter directly into 2nd year of degree courses. The TAFE credits get transferred to the Degree course
- Teacher pupil ratio is small thereby allowing greater interaction
- TAFE is the biggest manpower trainers for the Australian industry
- TAFE courses are for skilled trades, for those who wish to upgrade their skills, e.g., in electronics, aviation, fashion, office work, navigation, etc. It offers professional training for accountants, architects, engineers, designers, hospitality, industry performing arts and communication
- TAFE system in each state and territory has agreements for advanced standing with a number of universities
Credit transfer and advanced standing - Students are able to graduate with TAFE Diplomas and Associate Diplomas, and receive up to one or two year's credit towards a related university degree through a system of credit transfer agreement established with universities across Australia.
Flexible entry pathways
International Degrees: Australian universities recognize previous studies taken in accredited overseas institutions. Students who have been awarded an undergraduate degree from an overseas institution can apply directly to an Australian postgraduate program. Students working towards an undergraduate degree at an overseas institution can apply to transfer to an Australian undergraduate program with advanced standing. Universities assess these applications on a case-by-case basis, examining the student's academic results and the quality of the course syllabus.
Due to many reasons students fail to enter directly the university degree course. Academically sound and time saving solutions to this problem are the alternative programs of study available in Australia.
Foundation or Bridging Courses: International students applying for admission as first-year undergraduates must meet academic entry requirements equivalent to an Australian secondary school education. Students who do not meet these requirements may apply to a foundation program. A number of universities or university-affiliated organizations offer these programs as an alternative entry pathway to the Australian university system. Foundation programs are intensive one-year preparatory courses that equip international students with the skills set required to enter and complete an undergraduate program.
These programs allow entry into undergraduate studies by intensive education in certain core subjects, apprising them with teaching methods used in Australia, and allowing them time to adapt to their new environment. Normally such a foundation course runs for a year and on its successful completion students are guaranteed a place.
A bridging program is designed for students who have achieved the general standard required to enter an institution, but have not completed a particular area or level of study that is needed for the specific course. Sometimes this happens because a particular subject was not available in the student's secondary school, or because the student did not achieve a high enough grade in the prerequisite subject, while achieving good enough grades overall to meet the general entrance requirement. The most common subjects offered in bridging programs are Physics, Maths and Chemistry.
Bridging studies courses are undertaken by Australian students as well as overseas students, and they do not usually involve English language studies.
The idea behind offering these courses is to provide growing numbers of international students with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in undergraduate studies in Australian universities. The great variation in secondary schooling between our country and Australia, often does not qualify a student for direct entry to Australian universities. The preparation needed is training in academic English, as well as the study of subjects more directly related to the undergraduate courses under consideration.
Students know from the beginning what grades they need to achieve in order to secure their place. They enter their undergraduate course equipped both academically and socially and their results, after one year of undergraduate study, are generally very good.
Foundation year studies comprise those subjects which are directly related to the university course of choice. The universities hence receive students with the required background for their undergraduate studies who understand what is required of them in academic study.
With the success of foundation studies courses, Australia has expanded its mid-year university admissions to accommodate students from other countries. Foundation studies courses are currently being offered throughout the year to fit in with the university intake dates.
How does a foundation studies student progress to a university course - The institution usually agrees that it will accept students who reach a set standard in a foundation studies program.
- The institution announces that it will accept a given number of students into specified undergraduate courses.
- Students whose qualifications are adequate for entry to foundation studies are offered a provisional place in one of these undergraduate courses.
- Students are usually told before they start the foundation studies program that they will be enrolled in the undergraduate course if they achieve certain grades.
- At the conclusion of the foundation studies program, those students who meet the required standard are enrolled in their chosen bachelor degree course.
According to the development of collaborative programs between private colleges and universities students at university level can study in a college for a Diploma. Such university link courses enable students to not only obtain university entry qualifications but an advanced standing in degree courses particularly Commerce, Business, Marketing, Computer Science and General Science, etc. These link courses were introduced in mid-1980s to complement the existing alternative pathways - the TAFE network, giving students a wider choice of educational options with the added advantage of still being able to complete a degree within the minimum three-year time frame. The duration of these university access courses range from one year of full-time study to eighteen months or two years of study. The link courses are designed to prepare students for entry into designated degree courses.
Salient features of university `link' courses - These programs have the following features:
- Accredition by the university.
- The academic content is of the same level or identical to equivalent university units.
- Entry requirements are regulated by the university.
- All examinations, tests and assignments are approved and monitored by the university and the results compiled by them.
- University academic staff teaches in the program.
- Library and other resources are available.
- Some students may be granted acceptance into 2nd or 3rd year of the university course based on previous performance.
Outstanding features of the `link' system - The programs are conducted like university courses with two important differences.
Firstly, study group is usually around 50-70 students for ensuring success of students in the program as it specifically addresses the issue of traditional high failure rates among first year university students who have had to study in larger groups. Secondly, workshop experience is also given.
This type of teaching and learning in the college environment with a smaller campus, good teaching environment and personalized service enables the international student to gain confidence and succeed academically before joining the university campus life.
How to get started - Entry to the Diploma and Advanced Diploma programs may be taken on completion of 12-year program from India (CBSE/ICSE), Foundation Studies Program or an Advanced Certificate course.
Accredited Advanced Certificate courses in Business, Accounting, Marketing, Management and Computing are usually for one academic year and provide an excellent option of intensive study for those students who have completed the Australian equivalent of year 11 (often class XII of India) and who are keen on pursuing further studies in business and computing. Courses are in basic business subjects such as Business English, Accounting, Business Law, Statistics, Marketing and Management, Computing and Economics. These courses meet entry requirements to a university, to diploma and advanced diploma programs, and to membership of some professional associations.
The success of these university link courses is apparent by the ever increasing numbers of students enrolling in them and the consistently high percentage of students qualifying who transfer with advanced standing into second year university courses.
The Australian Government recently developed a National Code of Conduct to provide a nationally consistent and legally enforceable registration framework. The Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) is an independent body that audits processes at Australian universities to assure quality in the areas of teaching and learning, research and management. National Protocols endorsed by the Australian Government in 2000 are being implemented and specify that where an Australian university offers courses at an offshore location or through an agent, that university will be expected to maintain standards equivalent to those provided in Australia.
Universities are established by State or Territory legislation following a detailed assessment of their academic and financial credentials.
The universities are listed on the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) register which indicates that all members of MCEETYA vouch for the quality of the university. Universities then are authorized to accredit their own courses and are responsible for their academic standards. They must have appropriate quality assurance processes in place, including peer assessment processes, external examination of higher degrees and the involvement of professional bodies in the accreditation of particular courses.
State and Territory Government accreditation authorities also accredit higher education courses delivered by non self-accrediting providers.
All courses for international students are listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).website address: www.cricos.detya.gov.au
International reputation
Of interest to Indian students would be the international reputation of their chosen institution. Australian universities are members of an international academic community. Academic staff is appointed on an international basis and Australian academicians and graduates find appointments in institutions overseas, and many famous institutions abroad welcome them which give a measure of the quality of academic work going on in Australia.
A result of this international exchange of academia and graduates are the links being formed between Australian universities and universities abroad. Academic exchange and cooperative research agreements between institutions permit credit transfer and result in mutual recognition of each other's academic standing.
The Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee sponsors University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) Program. This program allows Australia to work with countries in the Asia-Pacific region and encourages academic staff and student mobility, thus enhancing internationalization of curricula and teaching.
While course structure is uniform between institutions and fields of study, instructional methods vary. Professional fields, such as engineering, medicine and science, include more lectures, tutorials and practical classes than humanities and social sciences where there are fewer hours of formal class. Students in the humanities and social sciences have to spend more time in individual reading and research. Australian undergraduate degrees generally are more specialized, focusing on a smaller variety of subjects. Emphasis is on individual reading and study, data analysis, understanding and applying concepts and theories, and developing the ability to examine critically different arguments and viewpoints. Students have to participate in class discussions to present arguments, discuss and debate subject matter. Teachers initiate discussion and argument to help clarify issues.
At the undergraduate level teaching includes lectures, tutorials, laboratory and field work and supervised practical work. The weightage to each mode is determined by the chosen course of study, e.g., Arts or Commerce students have more lecture and tutorial time than laboratory and field work. Australian education system expects students to undertake a good deal of independent research and reading besides normal study.
It is important for an international student to learn to adapt to these study methods. Lecturers are generally helpful to the students and assist them in the development of new skills.
Methods of assessment too differ from course to course and from institution to institution. Final and mid-year examinations are most important in some courses. In others, progress may be assessed through written assignments spread out over the year, participation and class discussions, practical work and short tests.
Doctorates and research masters degree are assessed by way of a major thesis. Some postgraduate diploma courses and bachelor with honors degrees comprise a minor thesis as part of the assessment.
Students are graded on individual units or subjects which are counted towards the grant of a degree. In Australian universities two systems are in use: the alpha system (A, B, C, etc.) with plus or minus variables. A+=90% or higher, B-=65%-70%, C=55%, etc. Alternatively they use descriptive grades, e.g., which are High Distinction (HD), Distinction (D) Credit (C),and Pass (P).
The Australian academic year runs from February to November. Australian institutions operate either on a two semester or three term year. Some institutions offer mid year - July entry for some courses.