Genetics is the study of heredity. Genome may be defined as the complete genetic information carried by an individual or the range of genes found in a given species. The carrier of genetic information inside animal and plant cells are chromosomes which are threadlike bodies.
Chromosomes get their name from the fact that they take certain strains more heavily than do other parts of the cell, the term being derived from the Greek words ‘Chromos’ (colour) and ‘soma’ (body). Chromosome number is characteristic of a species. For example humans have 46 chromosomes, mosquitoes 6, frogs 26, earthworms 36, chimpanzees 48, amoebas 50 and horses 64. Human chromosome comprise 22 matched pairs called autosomes and two sex chromosomes (X and Y). The genetic material in a cell is the DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid) .
Each chromosome consists of one very large strand of DNA and proteins. The subject of genetics is the study of plant, animal and humans for research on how characteristics are passed from one generation to another. Genes determine individual characteristics and hence the study of genetics deals with the understanding, controls and development or manipulation of gene structures.
Modern genetic theories are based on the double helix structure of DNA as well as the existence of restriction enzymes. The technological findings, advanced research in recombinant DNA has eventually helped in the scientific manipulation of genetic structure for finding cure to many diseases, increase of agricultural produce, and for finding solutions for environmental problems. The rapid developments in Geno mics is expected to dwarf info tech in 20 years.
Nature of Work
Genetic scientists
Genetic scientists are involved in pursuing research for identifying particular genes in plant, animal and human tissue samples. The process involves isolating those genes which are responsible for particular characteristics and studying the effect of heat, light, temperature and chemicals. Genetic scientists work with very powerful microscopes and have computing skills. They perform a range of tasks.
Bio genetics
Bio genetics is a doctoral level discipline, dealing with the structure, function and composition of genes and the principles of heredity and variation. Broadly, it has two sub sections : Plant/animal genetics, dealing with inheritance and character variations in plant/animal species and microbial genetics, the study of characters in micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Molecular genetics
Molecular genetics also known as bio-chemical genetics is currently the most ‘happening’ field dealing with the structure, composition function and replication of chromosomes and genes. Molecular genetics is the study of protein molecules in the cell or the DNA. A relatively lesser known field though for Indians, it holds tremendous potential due to the software edge – is bio metrical genetics – which utilizes various statistical concepts and procedures for genetic studies.
The study of cell structures and chromosomes is the study of cytogenetics.
Genetic engineers
Genetic engineering involves manipulation of the gene structure by rearranging, altering or splicing. Gene splicing has been at the root of major discoveries in the treatment of genetic disorders (1,778 genetic disorders have been identified) as well as in the development of hybrid seeds and agricultural produce. The improvement in livestock is based on genetic research.
Population geneticists
Breeding methods of farm animals and produce as well as mutation is the concern of population geneticists. They observe all phenomenon concerning mutation and prevent the harmful transmission of disease.
Genetic counsellors
Some critically harmful medical states result from the transmission of genes from either parent to their child. Haemophilia is a disorder which results in non clotting of blood. Male children suffer from this ailment as a result of the transmission of harmful genes from the mother. Genetic counsellors study the family’s medical history and assess the possible chances of disorders transmitted genetically from either parent and advise parents on the possibilities of getting children who may suffer due to any of these disorders.
Work Environment
Genetic scientists work in laboratories and spend most of the time working on microscopes, computers etc. Most of the time is spent on conducting experiments and making observations. Several years of effort may or may not result in significant discoveries. Considerable time is spent in preparing reports, projecting grant proposals for funding their projects. They normally work with a team of scientists and communicate with other laboratories for required support.
Personal Characteristics
Genetic scientists have to go through a prolonged phase of higher education extending frequently beyond 6 years. Scientists in this field require brilliant mathematical and analytical skills besides knowledge of the subject. The field is one of rapid progress hence scientists with a progressive outlook are best suited. Improving academic and experimental skills is critical to success. Individuals with patience, determination and with a love for detail are ideally suited for this profession. Discoveries can be small or phenomenal in value but it requires serious pursuit.
Employment Avenues
The field of genetics has generated tremendous interest over the past decade. Discoveries critical to the health sector and agriculture have been revolutionary. Employment in organisations conducting ongoing research in the field of medical sciences and agricultural sciences are expected to grow. National science and research organisations are allocating funds to finance research in this sector.(Read Chapter on Biotechnology for more employment avenues). The digital divide is small as compared to the coming genetic divide. Excellent employment prospects are expected due to the bio-revolution.
Study and Training
Genetic science may be pursued at the graduate and postgraduate levels. This can be followed by research. Human Biology is also an interesting option offered to students after Class XII by some medical schools.