Biochemistry is a branch which is concerned with the chemistry of biological processes. From its root in chemistry, mainly organic and physical, the study of biochemistry has broadened to deal with the biological problems which are amenable to investigative techniques of chemistry and physics. Biochemists study the chemical combinations and reactions involved in such functions as growth, metabolism, reproduction, and heredity as well as the effect of environment on living tissue.
Biochemists are involved in the study of structure and functions of enzymes, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and the process of metabolism, the molecular basis of the action of genes. Today the most important work in biochemistry is the elucidation of the structure of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid).
Nature of Work
Biochemists are mainly engaged in research related to the fields of medicine, agriculture, and nutrition.
In the area of medicine their work involves the investigation of causes of diseases - diagnostic testing, and therapy. Biochemists main concern is to study the role of genetic transmission in determining the occurrence of disease in a patient. They identify chemical changes in cells and body organs which signal the advent of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, or mental disorders. Such study is also useful for understanding brain function, metabolism, physiological adaptation etc. Common characteristics such as obesity can find its origin in heredity.
A biochemist identifies and analyses the chemical processes related to such biological functions as muscular contraction, reproduction and metabolism. Biochemists have widened their research in recent years to include the composition of protein molecules and chromosomes that comprise human life. They are on the threshold of synthesising these elemental substances.
In agriculture, biochemists develop improved techniques for crop cultivation, pest management and control and crop storage and preservation. Increased produce, improved quality of fruits, and commodities have been major areas in which biochemists have made a contribution. Study of the effect of environment on living tissue has expanded the horizon to include even space travel.
In the field of nutrition biochemists study the effects of certain foodstuffs, mineral and vitamin deficiencies on the human body. It was Biochemists who discovered the mechanisms of the fermentation process which has been practised for almost 2,000 years.
Work Environment
The work of biochemists is generally carried on in clean, quiet, and modern laboratories. They work with chemical substances and use equipments such as the electron microscope. The job may require travel and interaction with professionals from other fields which are related to research work.
Personal Characteristics
Biochemists are intensively involved in research work and hence must have an inquisitive mind, perseverance and keen observation.The task often continues over long periods of time hence requires patience and tenacity.Biochemical research is often a team affair and the individual should be able to work as part of a group. Continued learning and improvement in research skills are required.
Employment Avenues
Employment prospects for biochemists has shown improvement in the past decade. Job opportunities are in medical institutions where there is ongoing research in fields related to cancer, AIDS, mental disorders etc., in the pharmaceutical industry where genetically engineered drugs are being developed and in agricultural research institutions.
Study and Training
Biochemistry is offered in graduate courses after 10+2 and can be pursued till Ph.D. level.