A bundle of techniques applied to living cells is what we call Biotechnology. Bio technologists engineer these living cells to produce a particular product of improved quality. Biotechnology is the exploitation of natural resources at the microbial and molecular level for the benefit of mankind. It is an interdisciplinary field of study with influences from and contributions to subjects like life sciences, medicine, genetics and genetic engineering, immunology, agricultural engineering, horticulture, food & dairy technology and pharmaceutical technology. It involves an integrated approach in applying knowledge and techniques of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics and Chemical engineering to gain technologically from the properties and capacities endowed by nature to micro-organisms and cell structures.
Biotechnology is a very old technology. Exploitation of microbiology in production of foodstuff is an age old process. The scientific understanding of how these processes worked started developing only after Pasteur’s discovery that fermentation involves micro-organisms in its action. The term “biotechnology” was brought into popular usage in the mid 1970s, following some fundamental scientific discoveries in the field of genetic engineering in the laboratories of American universities. Contemporary biotechnology can be traced back to two important dates viz., 1973, when Chang and Cohen at Stanford developed the recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques, and 1975, when Millstein and Kohler in Cambridge employed hybridoma technology to produce monoclonal antibodies.
Bio technologists have developed the possibility of producing, from widely available renewable resources, substances and compounds which are essential to life and for the benefit of mankind. Biotechnology has today intrigued the young scientific minds who find unexpected possibilities for the application of this science. From agriculture to industry (chemicals, food, pharmaceuticals, textiles, bio products, etc.) medicine, environmental conservation, nutrition, and animal sciences all have been influenced by the biotechnological progress. Right from the ocean depths for marine life protection to the depletion of the ozone layer solutions are expected from biotechnological research.
Bio tech includes the following disciplines – medical bio tech(as applied to health care and drugs), environmental bio tech(soil and waste management), industrial biotech(paper, biodegradable plastics, food processing,colorants, etc.), plant or agro biotech(food production and processing, edible oils and vaccines from plants) and finally general biotech. India’s growing population stands to benefit greatly from the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering for new product development in pharmaceuticals, agriculture and the environmental sectors.
Nature of Work
The work Bio technologists do is in a variety of sectors eg. agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medicine, environment etc. The major biological agents in biotechnology are micro-organisms and their enzymes, and progress has been made with culturing animal and plant cells on a commercial scale using techniques found in microbiology.
Bio technologists working in independent areas have through research provided goods which include products of the following industries: health care (antibiotics, vaccines, hormones), biochemical (enzymes, vitamins, flavours, organic solvents), food (dairy products, microbial protein such as Quorn), drinks (wine, beer), agriculture (nitrogen fixation, ensilage), metals (extraction from ores).
Among the services supported by bio technologists are treatment and management of waste from the home and industry and many analytical and diagnostic techniques. In the field of agriculture modern bio technologists conduct research for improving crop, (high yielding, disease resistant, pest tolerant and with good nutritional value) livestock, forestry and fishery development. Their work involves devising biotechnological techniques for increasing productivity, quality, efficient processing and utilisation of products with lesser reliance on agro chemicals.
Genetic improvement is an extensive area of work encompassing agriculture, animal and human genetics. The work of Bio technologists is interdisciplinary in nature which requires working together of scientific researchers from disciplines such as microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, chemistry, food science, agriculture and engineering with other inputs from managers, economists, politicians, policy makers, legislators etc. Cooperation of this nature is required for innovative research in the laboratory to be developed to commercial success.
Bio technologist's work in research related to medical and health care. Pharmaceutical research, development of new vaccines, and diagnostic procedures have evolved with the application of biotechnology. In agricultural sciences bio technologists work in improvement of crops, animals and trees through various propagation techniques. The development of bio insecticides, biochemicals and tissue culture by bio technologists have almost revolutionized agriculture sciences.
Bio technologists apply various scientific procedures in chemical research, energy management, genetic engineering and industry. Environmental biotechnology is another extensive area of work with the impending dangers brought about by environmental pollutants. From treatment of industrial waste to recycling of sewage and microbial processes all are the concern of environmental bio technologists.
Work Environment
Bio technologists largely work in laboratories to conduct scientific research. The job nevertheless requires working with several branches of scientists and hence considerable amount of travel to different scientific centres may be required. In private laboratories, largely equipped with state of art technologies, working conditions may be considerably comfortable. In marketing and market research the work demands travel.
Personal Characteristics
Biotechnology requires intense hard work, perseverance and challenge for achieving results. A very bright academic profile with scientific bent of mind is required. This is a growing field and hence requires people with the urge to lead innovative research. Interest is human welfare, agriculture, drugs, environment and other areas of work will determine the field/range of work for the scientists. Interest in achieving satisfaction through intense academic research rather than material gains is at the core of genuine scientific temper.
Employment Avenues
Biotechnology is ranked second as a growth sector after multimedia industry with a tremendous employment potential. Major contributions are in areas such as environment, health, agriculture and pharmaceuticals. Molecular biology, genetic engineering, tissue culture, transgenic, sericulture, animal, marine and microbial biotechnology, bio fertilisers, conservation of biodiversity, ecology and environment, genetic counselling, DNA fingerprinting, the preservation and propagation of human cell line, bio-ethics, medicinal biotechnology with special reference to indigenous medicinal plants, and immune-diagnostics are some of the avenues into which biotechnology has ventured.
Most bio technologists are employed in research and development, departments of institutions and industries involved in biotechnological work. From the production of antimicrobial agents, reagents and consumables to the marketing of instruments used in biotechnological applications and research the opportunities for bio technologists are on the increase. Bio technologists work extensively in the production departments of these industries. Generally Biotechnology students from engineering stream are given preference for production jobs.
Bio technologists work in industries producing food, chemicals, bio-processed products etc. They are involved in research in genetics, biochemistry and biochemical engineering and all areas where these processes are implied. Industrial R&D covers areas such as chemical processes, increase in productivity, waste and pollution management. Some industries employ bio technologists in their marketing department to develop business in the sector where their product would be most required. They also help to identify biotechnological development opportunities for the industry in India and abroad.A steep rise in employment is envisaged in environmental biotechnology.
In India Government labs such as CDRI in Lucknow is constantly employing research workers/scientists. The private sector placements are in both technical and managerial positions. The management levels match those of a business firm and the task relates to industrial, production and marketing management. In academics bio technologists (Doctorates) are working in departments of marine bio tech, bio medicine, earth sciences biomedical engineering, agricultural and environmental biotechnology etc.
Some industries employing bio technologists are Hindustan Lever, Thapar group, Indo American Hybrid Seeds, Bincon India Limited, Bivcol, IDPL, Indian Vaccines Corporation, Hindustan Antibiotics, Sun Pharma, Cadila etc.
Laboratories and Institutes employing Bio technologists : These include the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, National Botanical Institute, National Chemical laboratory, Tata Energy Research Institute, Central Aromatic, Indian Institute of Science, Agricultural Research Institute, CSIR, National Environment Research Institute - Nagpur, National Institute of Immunology - New Delhi, CDRI - Lucknow, IIT-Mumbai, Delhi. Centre for Human Genetics (Bangalore), Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and Department of Science and Technology(DST), IISc (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), ICRISAT(International Crops Research Institute for Semiarid Tropics), Delhi University, Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR), IARI, CPRI(Central Potato research Institute, Shimla), DRR (Directorate of Rice Research) DWR(Directorate of Wheat Research), NDRI (National Dairy Research Institute), JNU, BHU, IIT Delhi, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Bose Institute (Kolkata), AIIMS, IMTECH(Chandigarh), International Centre on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (New Delhi), National Centre of Plant Genomic Research (New Delhi), NBRI (National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow). Ministry of Health, with assistance from US and Japan, has set up $40 million National Institute of Biologicals, New Delhi.
Medical Biotech industry include Monsanto, Pfizer, Uniliver, DuPont, Bayer, Glaxowellcome, Ranbaxy, Novartis, Workhardt, Torrent, Piramal, Cadila, RPG Life Sciences, etc. The leading companies working in the agriculture biotechnology include Hindustan Lever, Dupont, Indo-American Hybrid, ITC Zeneca, Hoechst Schering, Pioneer Hibred, SPIC, EID Parry, Mahyco, ProAgro, National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd., etc. Most jobs in Biotechnology are research-based.
With the government Scientist B begins with a basic grade of Rs. 8000/- which goes upto Rs.15,000 to Rs.30,000 per month with promotions. The private companies could pay a beginning salary of Rs.20,000 and rise up to Rs 1 lakh per month. Technical assistants begin with a basic of Rs. 4500/-.