Biological Sciences encompass vast and complex areas of specialisation . Directly or indirectly living things have been the subject of study for biologists. Biologists develop more and better food stuffs, medicines to combat disease, practice conservation to protect our forests, water supplies and wild life, develop support systems for life in space and better environments for our increasing population.
Biology includes fields such as Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Biochemistry, Forestry, Horticulture, Fish and Wildlife Conservation and Range Management. New and exciting careers have opened in Oceanography and Marine Biology, High Altitude Biology and Environmental Biology. We have also witnessed the growth of new professions during the past few years - Bio-instrumentation, Biotechnology, Biophysics, Cryobiology, Bionics, etc.
Nature of Work
Due to extensive technological advancements and demand for specialised understanding of all aspects of the entire living world, biologists must specialize. What are these specializations? Here is a brief description of the specialisations and details of some of the allied fields of Biology.
Anatomists study the cell structure, tissue and organs of animal and human body. The study is useful for understanding the causes of degenerative disorders and the possibilities of transplant of body organs. Anatomists study the regenerative aspects of body parts.
Aquatic biologists
Aquatic biologists are concerned with animal and plant life under water. They study the effect of pollutants on aquatic life and investigate the quality of water by assessing salinity, oxygen level, acid and organic waste, temperature and light.
Agronomists are primarily involved with increased production of crop through scientific techniques. This is done through improved methods of cultivation, farm management, rotation of crops, soil testing, use of fertilizer etc.
Bioinformatics is a growing area which uses software to derive some useful information from biological data base. For example, there’s huge genomic data base which without help from software application, cannot be analysed.
So, there’s huge potential of alliances between software and biotech firms for developing databases. Biotech will see a natural drift to IT industry for result-oriented research.
The study of biochemistry is related to the study of chemical composition of living organisms and deals with understanding the bases in reproduction, heredity, metabolism and growth.
Biophysicists study the physical properties of human systems. They study mechanics, radiation, heat and light as well as sound , electricity etc. They concern themselves with the energy of living cells and deal with vision hearing, nervous system, brain function, nerve conduction, muscle reflexion as well as the life and destruction of human systems and cells.
Cytologists deals with factors involved in cell formation of plants and animals. The study is concerned with growth , functions, diseases, etc. of cells of all forms of life. He relates his findings to breeding and reproduction of plants and animals carrying particular characteristics of heriditary traits.
Curator (Museum) looks after rare specimens of biological importance and is involved in their maintenance. Curators are employed by universities and biological departments and gardens and museums maintained by Botanical Survey of India, Zoological Survey of India etc.
Economical botanist
Cultivation of plants of commercial and economic importance is the job of economical botanist. He may conduct experiments under controlled conditions to cross breed and test their yield. Suitable types of better yielding plants are evolved, for mass scale production of crops for use in medicines, oils, gums, fibre or even food crops.
They study the atmosphere, environment and its effect on the growth of plant or animal life. Ecologists study the influence of rainfall, temperature, altitude, type of food available for development etc. Ecologists are concerned about the geographical distribution of plants with a view to replant them under different conditions to improve swamps, deserts and marshy lands.
In all plant life, various types of insects, pests appear which might be a menace to crops. An entomologist is concerned with elimination of all these creatures which damage plants, trees and fruits. He identifies and classifies different types of insects and pests and suggests various techniques to destroy them through insecticides or other means.
Exobiology is a branch of biology that relates to knowledge of evolution and distribution of life in the universe.This is a specialised field of science where scientists from allied fields come together for research. Exobiologists work in research organisations Astronomical society, Nasa and other Space related organisations.
These scientists are involved in the study of heredity and factors governing it. Their work involves research, the way various biological characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation. The geneticist is involved in the improvement of plants and animal breeds keeping in view the economic importance.
This is study of reptiles and amphibians. Jobs relate to animal breeding, study and maintenance of habitats, public education, evaluation of environmental changes etc. Herpetologists work in snake parks, reptile sanctuaries, museums of natural history, zoos and national parks.
Keeper herbarium
In general he has a responsibility for the running of the Herbarium. He supervises the work of the Curator in proper maintenance of Herbarium specimens. He supplies information whenever required by the technical body for identification of plants.
Microbiologists study all microscopic or submicroscopic organisms such as algae, bacteria viruses, moulds, yeasts etc. The study of these organisms is used in the food industry, in packaged foodstuffs, as well as for understanding their role in desease and its prevention and control. Major illnesses as influenza, typhoid, polio, measles and currently cancer and Aids fall within the purvue of the study and cure related to microbiological study.
Molecular biologists
Research applied to bacterial study is the work of molecular biologists.The focus in on improving health care.
Mycologists are involved in procedures and techniques of control of fungi. By-products of fungus activity are analysed with a view to evolving new strains of fungi useful to agriculture, medicine and industry. Chemical or other methods are used to control multiplication of fungus.
Nematodes are roundworms which are parasitic on both animals and plants. Nematologists specialise in the control of these organisms.
Ornithologists study birds, their breeding pattern, evolution, migration, food, shape, their eggs, nest making etc.
He is responsible for organising collection of orchids in the field and maintains them in the orchidarium. Research work for multiplication of orchids by seed generation, horticulture practices, grafting and/or other allied work required for large-scale cultivation, or improvement of orchid collections, is carried on.
A fishery expert conducts experiments on fish culture and collects data concerning their habits, growth, food breeding etc. Pisciculturist also rears and breeds fish through artificial methods. Normally he works in hatcheries located in ponds, tanks and drainage systems which are specially constructed. For enforcing conservation laws licences are issued to fishermen by fishery officers.
He is involved in study of functions of the organs and tissues of plants. He investigates the functioning of various systems and factors that hinder their normal working.
Like any other living thing, plants are also subject to diseases and decay. Pathologist are involved in the experiments in laboratories or in the field to control and check diseases in plants and propagates plant protection methods. Biologists engaged in applied research translate basic knowledge into practical useful products and processes and work with agricultural, medical, industrial and other scientists. Histopathologists investigate diseased tissues in humans and animals.
Living things have their parasites which live on the blood of others. Amongst them are protozoans, round worms, tape worms , liver flukes. Parasitologists are involved in the control and treatment of parasitic infections. He also suggests means to combat diseases originating from them.
Plant Breeder
He grows improved varieties of plants in relation to size, quality, yield and resistance to disease. Cross breeding of various varieties under field or laboratory conditions is done by plant breeders.
Palaeontlogists study fossilized remains of plants and animals which existed in former geological periods. The study helps in understanding the evolution of species.
Pharmacologists study and research on the effects of drugs and chemicals on animals and mice. Such study is required for the development and testing of new drugs.
Regional botanist
He conducts and guides work pertaining to plant introduction, breeding, hybridisation, raising and propagation of vegetable life in the experimental gardens. He may be incharge of cryptogamic collections and their proper development, maintenance and preservation.
Systematic botanist
He conducts floristic survey, prepares ecological data, publishes literature on flora of India which have been explored. He assists in scientific work connected with experimental gardens in different parts of the country.
There is an unlimited variety of plants and animals. Taxonomists identify and classify these under standard nomenclatures. This job is undertaken by Taxanomists. He determines their species and genesis.
Toxicologists study the toxic effects of various substances on humans , plants and animals. Industrial safety and environmental control is their major concern.
Wild life biologists
Wild life conservation is a critical issue. The study of habitats of animals and birds, the conditions needed for their conservation and survival, and continued wildlife propagation is a concern of the wildlife biological scientists.
Zoologists are concerned with the study of animal life. The origin, habits, life history, propagation, growth, relation to environment, genetics and all matters concerning their preservation is the concern of zoologists. Zoological study permits specialisation concerning different species.