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Aircraft manufacture - Nature of Work

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Aircraft manufacture


Manufacturing of aircrafts for commercial or military use is a highly technical field.Tremendous amount of Research and Development function precedes production of an aircraft.This field has been developing steadily and can boast of real technological advancements.Space research and study has offered challenges and have continued to intrigue students to pursue relevant branches of engineering and other related subjects.

The Research & Development department of an aircraft manufacturer includes a variety of highly trained engineers, scientists and technicians specia-lising in areas such as aerospace, aeronautics, electronics, computer scien-ce, robotics, biomedicine, acoustics, chemistry, physics and meteorology.

When an aircraft is ready for manufacture it needs to undergo testflights. Research pilots have several years of experience and hence they are required to test prototype designs and suggest modifications for its optimum efficiency.

The manufacturing department has a team of engineers and technicians.
Engineering technicians, numerical control tool programmers, template
makers, machine operators tool inspectors, die makers. Technical writers
interpret scientific data to other departments and ensure coordinated work. Graphic artists work on the draft details of the aircrafts design.

Nature of Work

Aerospace Engineers

Aerospace engineering encompasses the fields of aeronautical and astronautical (spacecraft) engineering. Aerospace engineering is an emerging field in India but has been a challenging career in the west where major space programmes have taken off since long .

Aerospace engineers generally work as a team in designing, assembling and testing aircrafts and space crafts. Aerospace science draws people with backgrounds in physics, mathematics, earth sciences, aerodynamics and biological sciences.Aerospace engineers, however, have a backgroud in mechanical/electrical/mechanical engineering. Aerospace engineers may be required to work on the designing of complete aircrafts or may specialise in special areas of the industry such as missile guidance systems, propulsion, and guidance control systems. Aeronautical engineers work specifically with aircraft systems while astronautical engineers specialise in space craft systems.

Aerospace engineering is the study of the complexities of materials and structures put to use under atmospheric stress. Aerospace Engineers learn and apply the knowledge of aerodynamics, propulsion, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, flight mechanics, and structural analysis. They are also involved in cost analysis, operations research and may be required to update their work through research, conduct reliability studies, assess maintenance functions and also step out for marketing or administrative functions.

Aerospace Engineers who work on the designing of space crafts work with numerical and technical details using theoretical engineering principles.They may be called Analytical Engineers. Others who study the impact of atmospheric stress and how loads and weights behave under different atmospheric conditions are Stress Analysts.These engineers are experts at using computer systems to study such processes using complex formulas.

Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineers (CFD) use sophisticated high speed computers to develop models used in the study of fluid dynamics.They use simulations to study the behavior of elements around objects.

Aerospace Design Engineers work with engineers who are experts in aerodynamics, astrodynamics and structural engineering. The designing process involves computer aided design programmes. Manufacturing Engineering involves the development of individual components for aircraft and spacecraft manufacture and this involves coordination with the design team.

Aerospace Engineers (materials) assess the materials used for manufacture of aircrafts /spacecrafts particularly for their suitability in terms of density, strength, rigidity as well as cost effectiveness. They determine how various materials react to temperature and atmospheric variations.

Finished products undergo quality control assessments by engineers assigned to carry out the task.The products must pass tests of reliability and are assessed for its future maintenance.

Aircrafts and space crafts are always manufactured to the specific ations of the customer or for specific scientific tasks.Hence the marketing and sales function is also carried on by aerospace engineers. There job entails liason work with the technical team and clients for ensuring production specifications as well as ensuring that the product performs as planned.


Technicians working in the aircrafts and space crafts manufacturing plants are trained as - Aeronautical and Aerospace technicians, Aircraft mechanics and Avionics technicians. Aeronautical Technicians and aerospace technicians differ from technologists/engineers in these fields as they are diploma holders .

They work with engineers to maintain, construct , test, operate, and maintain the basic structure of aircrafts/spacecrafts, as well as propulsion and control systems. They may be required to even assist in technical assessments. Airlines employ technicians to supervise maintenance of aircrafts and help in installation of new equipments. In manufacturing organisations technicians are part of the research, development and design work. Technicians working in astronautical engineering division i.e in space centres or in manufacturing conduct more specialised tasks. Physiological technicians operate and explain the procedures for using pressure suits, pressure chambers, ejection seats that simulate flying conditions. Flight training equipment , radio equipment, meteorological devise uses are their areas of responsibility. Avionic technicians repair, test, install and maintain radar and radio equipment aboard aircraft and space craft. Electronic technicians assist engineers in the development and assembly of electronic and electromechanical systems. All aspects of engineering, industrial, mechanical, metallurgical, instrumentation require technical support staff.

Work Environment

Aerospace engineers (Aeronautical/Astronautical) spend much time on the computer and drawing boards. Those engineers who are involved with
testing of components may have to work at the test sites. These could be in controlled test labs.The manufacturing task takes them to the shop floor and involves movement accross the production lines of aircraft/spacecraft
manufacturing plants.

Engineers are required to also travel for coordinating the activities of the manufacturers of small parts or while meeting with the clients.When there is a crash engineers may be required for the examination and assessment of the cause.

Personal Characteristics

The manufacture of aircrafts/ spacecrafts require very intelligent people. Good analytical ability, an excellent academic background, scientific acumen and responsible attitude is essential for aerospace engineers. Physical stamina, ability to work for long hours and to spend several days at crucial assignments makes the task very challenging.



Aerospace engineering requires at the Class XII level a good performance in Mathematics, Physics, English and proficiency in Mechanical Drawing and Computers.This must be followed by a degree in Aeronautical engineering /Aerospace engineering. NASA recommends a degree in a variety of disciplines, including biomedical engineering, ceramic engineering, chemistry, industrial engineering, materials engineering, metallurgy, optical engineering, and oceanography. Aerospace engineers generally specialise at the masters level in these various areas of specialisation and even do a PH.D before being taken in by NASA.

In India the people entering manufacturing sector (Hindustan Aeronautical Ltd. and National Aeronautical Ltd) are postgraduates in the areas relevant to the manufacturing industry enumerated in an earlier section.


The aircrafts manufacturing sector employs technicians with a good academic record and graduates of Physical Sciences, Computers, Mathematics, Electronics with training in aeronautical engineering. These courses have been described in preceding sections.

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