Recent Study Advice

Degree Course Checklist

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When choosing a degree, ask universities some searching questions. Try to discover the answers to the questions below. If necessary show them this checklist.

checklist1. How do staff gather student feedback on the course, and how do they respond to it?

2. Do the staff have a clear idea of the skills which students develop as part of the course, in addition to subject knowledge?

3. What teaching methods are used to help students develop these skills?

4. How are staff teaching skills developed?

5. Is there evidence that the staff work together as a team? For example, has the course been developed as a team or by individuals?

6. How are students encouraged to develop their learning skills? For example, do they encourage 'learning logs' to help students reflect on their learning?

7. Is there any employer input in the way the course is taught?

8. Is it possible to meet graduates who are now working, and can comment on the value of the course?

9. What is the 'dropout rate' for the course, and what are the reasons people leave?

10. What kind of learning environment do they offer? Find out about teaching styles, projects, working in teams, work timetable, the kind of students, access to staff support (e.g. tutors) and the level of structure or independence, and then see how the course will match your preferred learning style.
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