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Chemical Engineering Courses in the UK

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As we have seen, there are many reasons why you should become an engineer? However what sort of engineer? In what field? CCUK talks to Professor Richard Wakeman at the Department for Chemical Engineering at Loughborough University about the potential prospects of their chemical engineering graduates and what qualities he looks for in a good engineering student and degree.

1. What sort of skills as a student would I need to be to do a degree in chemical engineering?

We accept students from a wide range of study backgrounds - although a majority come to us with qualifications in sciences and mathematics, we also welcome applicants who have qualifications in a wider range of subjects but who have an aptitude for sciences and mathematics.

2. What sorts of career opportunities are available to me as a graduate?

chemical engineering courses Our graduates are valued by industry and are most sought after - many are employed by multinational companies in a wide range of job functions - although most become practising engineers when they graduate. The employers are across the range of process industry sectors - including the bulk and speciality chemicals, water, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, oil and petrochemical, minerals, nuclear and healthcare.

"This Department is recognised internationally for the quality of its placement programme - we have connections with over 250 companies across all sectors of the process industries in countries throughout the world.."

3. In your opinion, what qualities should I look for in a good chemical engineering degree?

A broad education in chemical engineering that is taught using a variety of up-to-date methods and that brings the student close to industry. Practical aspects of chemical engineering topics should be underpinned by sound teaching of the fundamental sciences.

4. What connections does Loughborough University have for industrial placement in chemical engineering?

This Department is recognised internationally for the quality of its placement programme - we have connections with over 250 companies across all sectors of the process industries in countries throughout the world that accept our students for placements.

5. What facilities do you have for your engineering students at Loughborough University?

Loughborough University has one of the largest engineering faculties in the UK, giving top quality support to all engineering students - including a first class dedicated library, a mathematics drop-in centre, the Engineering Student Centre giving on-line resources for students in the Faculty, well equipped laboratory and computing facilities, and extensive support from all academic staff in the Department.

6. Do you accept international students onto your courses and if so, is there an ongoing support structure to help them with any problems?

We have a long tradition of welcoming international students onto all our courses. To give them the special support they may need to study in a foreign country, dedicated support is offered through the International Student Association, the International Recruitment Office, International Student Advisors located in the Department and the Student Union, and the English Language Study Unit. Our counselling centre is professionally staffed, there is a chaplaincy, prayer facilities for Muslim students and other facilities such as the medical centre.

7. How do you tackle the language barrier for international Students?

We have a long established English Language Study Unit that helps overseas students of all nationalities with language problems. It is used by students who may wish to boost their confidence in using the English language or improve their study skills, and it runs special courses to help overseas students.

8. As a town would you say Loughborough was "student friendly"? How does it cater for the student population?

Loughborough is a friendly town with major research based industries. It is located in beautiful countryside in the heart of England, and has access by road, rail and air to London and every part of the UK. The University is well integrated into the town, which is essential as the University population is a very large proportion of the total. The town offers wide ranging facilities that are used by young people - such as libraries and parks, pubs and clubs, cafes and a wide range of shops - all of which are used extensively by the students.

9. On the whole what are the qualities about Loughborough University that would make you recommend it to students?

A top quality learning experience in a Department recognised internationally for its teaching and research. On campus accommodation is of a high standard and is low cost; overseas students are guaranteed the first two years in a hall of residence. For those who enjoy sport (you don't have to be a top sports-person to come to Loughborough!) there is a lot of opportunity to play at the level at which they enjoy it - be it competitive or social!

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