An unusual program to help create a better living environment
Environmental Studies centres on the relationships between people, culture and nature. Moving into the next century, the quality of human interactions with our biosphere is critically important to sustaining a high quality life.
This program allows students to:
- learn the fundamentals of liberal arts.
- master interdisciplinary thinking.
- understand and integrate our cultural and natural worlds.
- develop values that honour people, culture and environment.
- resolve conflict between culture and environment.
- learn to manage the rapid cultural and environmental changes that characterise our planet today.
Environmental Studies as a major subject involves a curriculum of disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses drawn from humanities, science, social sciences and wilderness leadership. This prepares students to meet the challenges beyond the year 2000 as educated, adaptable and environmentally sophisticated adults. It also grants interdisciplinary knowledge with the development of personal and group skills, which are advantages when seeking employment after university.
In addition to courses in science, humanities, and mathematics, the environmental studies curriculum includes:
SeIf and Community Intelligence
this requires three courses in psychology/social work that give you
- - an insight into your own personality
- - models of how different, even contrasting personalities can work together to achieve group goals
- - skills to resolve community environmental conflict
An Internship
An internship can provide a student with an opportunity to test their education in "real world" situations. It benefits the students by giving valuable experience and contacts for future employment, a source for work related references and personal feedback on how well their education is progressing
A Senior Project
Working with a professor, students can formulate a single environmental question and a plan to solve the problem during their senior year.
A course in environmental studies is also worth while for non majors if you ask yourself how this course relates to others in your degree program, and how it can support your educational goals.
Career Opportunities
Environmental career opportunities exist in corporations, non profit organisations, utility companies, industries, consulting firms and federal, state or local governments. Other promising careers include environmental law, environmental management and public health. For those, whose mission it is to create a better living environmental and ultimately, a better world, this program exerts a powerful and positive influence for life.