The application to a college in the US is an attempt on the part of the applicant to project his/her eligibility to the course. It provides the applicant an opportunity to examine him/her and to communicate his attributes in a compelling and convincing manner.
Undergraduate schools are flooded with applications from students for the limited number of seats they can offer. Hence most colleges follow a procedure which they hope would lead them to offer the seats to just the right candidates. Their intention is to make the campus an enriching experience for all who study there.
The application process requires the applicant to -
- be informed about all aspects of the college/courses ;
- short list 10 to 15 institutions considered most appropriate on the basis of tips given earlier for choosing a college/course ;
- communicate with short listed universities for detailed information about the program, curriculum, campus, etc. ;
- study the information brochure and booklets sent by the admissions office as requested through the pre-application form ;
- Apply to short listed universities.
This obviously is a lengthy process. Each communication may take almost 4-5 weeks. The process of applying must, therefore, begin at least 16 months before you actually want to go. The record sheet given on the next page should help you scan and record information about universities.
Students planning to apply for undergraduate study must prepare all documents required for applying. These can be photocopied for applying to different universities.
Pre-application forms
The pre-application form or a request for application is used to request information from a university/college/community college/technical college/pre professional school. These are available at the USEFI offices located in Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai. The form provides adequate information to the institution to help it provide application materials to you if you are eligible. The form has space for graduate students to describe their past work experience and expectations from the program they wish to join.
Students who cannot get such forms may alternatively request information through a letter enumerating which courses they wish to take, their educational background, information about standardized tests if taken etc. On receipt of such a letter of request or the pre-application, universities mail out admissions material to the students who fulfill the basic eligibility criteria laid down by the university.
When you have received information from a number of universities, it is logical to organize the information received for ready reference. The record sheet will help you while you scan through prospectuses of various colleges or a college guide book.
Several university websites will have application forms which can be down loaded and you can apply on line.
Preliminary applications
These are more detailed than pre-applications. Some colleges require international applicants to complete these. The preliminary application sent with prospectus of the college helps admission officers find out whether or not you will be a likely candidate before you go through the more complicated process of completing the final application form.
The preliminary application requests basic information and may also ask for a brief statement of your goals, particularly why you feel the school would be a good place for you and how you would contribute to life on campus. If the admission officer finds that your goals, abilities and general background are what that particular college is looking for, you will get a final application to complete. You must return this application immediately. Unfavorable opinions too are communicated.
The final application
The application usually has 3 main areas.
The academic profile which consists of school leaving exam transcripts as well as the standardized test scores
The personal profile which includes statement of purpose, personal information data and personal statement
Supporting documents, such as, letters of recommendation transcripts, bank statement of financial status, etc.
The application process involves a number of steps to be taken simultaneously for completion of all formalities.
Academic profiles provide evidence of the applicants’ potentialities to cope with academic work at a USA university. Transcripts supported by a detailed profile of the school, the curriculum, evaluation and grading process help the admissions staff get acquainted with the applicants’ background. Description of academic and extracurricular environment is also helpful. Test scores, recommendations and application fee complete the application.
The application process is often delayed when all essential information is not included. Name must be spelt in the same way each time, information of past and present education with exam results, financial resources, scores on admission tests and other details asked in the form must be complete.
Complete the final application and give all the required information and documents which the college has requested as quickly as possible. Keep copies of all documents and the application form with you for future reference. When a college receives your application on time with all the required supporting documents, they can review and evaluate the same well on time. A candidate's chance of being offered admission improves and gives extra time to the university to provide additional information if it is requested.
Most application forms have similar sections. They begin by getting you to fill in your personal data. Personal data includes your identification details: name, age, sex, information about the family, address, etc. While giving these details remember to be consistent, clear, legible and correct. All forms also have a section seeking information about the course of study you intend to take, the department you wish to enroll in and the year you wish to enter.
Another set of entries on the application forms are regarding academic records. Undergraduate applicants need to give a summary of academic performance at the secondary school, i.e., from IX to XII classes. You may append a separate sheet since the space provided may not always be sufficient. Work out your academic profile giving details of school, class, subjects studied and marks obtained. It is useful to give the marking scheme of the school or Board where possible. In another note you may give details of your class size, section size and highest and lowest scores to help the admissions committee interpret your scores in various subjects at school.
Outstanding academic achievements, awards as well as co curricular performance and achievements are of special interest to the admissions committee. It’s almost like writing your bio-data of special achievements. You may, if you have been exceptional, begin even from primary school. Give in sequential order your achievements, awards, positions held during school years and finally if you are part of the student self Government, give details.
The crucial decision rests on the application
The success of applying to a USA university largely depends on the presentation. Presentation implies style, neatness, orderliness and above all clarity and honest appraisals. You may find yourself answering similar questions a number of times; so do stick to the truth. If you want to find a college or university that is able to meet your needs, it is very important for you to be completely honest and sincere in the information you provide to them.
Begin by reading the application and information that you have received from each school carefully. You will understand the school's mission, philosophy, and educational goals. Once you know what a specific college is looking for, you will have some idea of what aspects of your own background and goals you need to project as you prepare your application. Admission officers will also attempt to determine how your abilities, goals, and interests match with what they have to offer, and what kind of contributions you might be able to make to the college and its students. While you should present yourself in the best possible way with evidence of whatever you say, you should not give incorrect information. Admission office can usually make out when an application statement does not sound like the truth, and it is legally wrong.
Most colleges are looking for a varied student population that comes from many backgrounds and represents many different academic interests and personal qualities. In your personal statement you may stress the unique experience you will bring to the school by being an international student.
Personal statement
A personal statement is an essay an applicant writes about himself or herself in which he/she makes an attempt to communicate personal attributes in a compelling manner. Writing a personal statement needs lots of thinking, discussing, planning, writing and revising. All this is time consuming. You cannot make up an essay. You have to be explicit, honest, clear and above all just yourself. The admissions committee is particularly keen to know about your life your special interests and your reasons for going to the USA. Each university admissions committee is keen on making the campus an interesting one and if your personal statement tells them exactly this, you are perhaps in, if all other requirements have been met.
You need to follow the instructions while writing a personal statement. If a word limit is given, follow it and be precise. If the space is not enough, attach another sheet. The personal profile is not intended to reflect complete confidence or certainty of the future or part but given the applicant a chance to say `I am here look at me'.
Writing a personal statement normally takes both time and conscious effort. The outline asks for your hobbies, goals, interests. These leading statements are kept vague deliberately to impel each applicant to be original. The personal statement must be written organized, revised, discussed and then rewritten keeping style in mind. These exercises give you an opportunity to organize your thoughts, priorities, clarify your goals and examine your interests. Writing skill being vital to academic progress your essay must be carefully worded and your expressions must be clear, simple and communicative.
The writing of a personal statement though not quite easy, certainly clarifies ideas about you. It is not uncommon to find students who begin with a poor self-image, the process of talking to parents, friends, and teachers helps in generating a positive self-image. It is good to think about all you have done over the past few years. Try and look at your changing self: have you changed in the past few months!!!Define the kind of personal qualities you have. Do you like to manage, lead or are you happy with project work, computers, etc!!
Personal statement must fulfill the following objectives:
- It should be able to tell the admissions committee why you are special and not just typical
- It must give evidence of what you have stated
- It must be explicit, e.g., what you have gained from community activities, how you overcame bitter experience, etc.
- Letters of reference or recommendations
The admissions committee is interested in knowing you well enough to make a decision about offering admission to you. The application form has a separate section for asking about your background, education, academic performance. You give a self profile through your personal statement also. Another way to know more about you is through others. People who have known you as a student and as a person can write a letter of reference. The principal, counselor and teachers can write freely about what they think of you and may recommend you to the admissions committee. Before you ask for any letters of reference, it is a good idea to explain your academic goals to them. Recommending authority should know you well enough to reflect on your capabilities. If there are any negative facts they have noticed, it would be right on their part to be truthful probably explaining the reasons for the same. Most schools give a rating list to recommending authorities and guidelines for them to follow when writing recommendations.
Financial aid application
University admission offices are flooded with request for financial support. To be eligible the following documents must be enclosed with the application:
- Financial Aid Form.
- The need of financial support statement.
- Statement of finances.
- Bank statement.
When applying for financial aid you will have to decide how much you can afford to pay. Students may afford to pay for one semester, one year or may need full financial support. If you anticipate no financial aid and you can pay for one semester then you may fill up the form as a self supporting applicant.
Admission to a graduate course in USA is after 16 years of education. Indian applicants who have a B A/B Sc. or B Com. Degree have taken these in 3 years time. They would best complete a postgraduate course before they can apply. Academic programs pursued along with a graduate degree which have been accredited by All India Council of Technical Education such as a professional diploma in Computing or a Diploma in Engineering are recognized for admission to a graduate program. High achievers at the undergraduate level who wish to continue their graduate study in the US may begin to apply during the final year of under graduation. Professional degree holders, however, who have studied for their degree for 4 years and more, can apply. Most graduate schools require high scholastic performance, standardized test scores; English proficiency test score, proof of adequate financial support, etc.
Graduate applications are compiled and evaluated by the office of admissions which are then reviewed in the concerned department. The application is considered for the year in which admissions are being conducted. Request for deferred admission may mean reapplying and payment of additional fees. Most USA universities need evidence of satisfactory completion of college or university. Like the undergraduate application, a graduate application must include complete set of transcripts of secondary school and college. These should be in English. Generally an undergraduate degree with a `B average' is expected.
Standardized test scores, i.e., GRE scores are required for those applying for any subject related to Humanities, Commerce or Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Architecture courses etc. Details of the test have been given earlier. For MBA, GMAT score is required. All graduate schools will require your TOEFL scores too. Universities sometimes use English Language test scores to help them decide financial awards for graduate applicants. There are teaching fellowships or assistantship awards which are given on the basis of scores on test of spoken English (TSE). These awards may be granted on an exceptionally brilliant TOEFL score, e.g., 600+. The award provides benefits such as reduced tuition fee, health insurance, etc. Re-evaluation of English proficiency is required on campus before registration if TOEFL score was less than 600 or TWE score is missing or is below 4.
General requirements for graduate study
The master's degree - Many students study the same subject for graduation which they had majored in at the undergraduate level. When a student wishes to pursue studies in a different subject he may be asked to complete undergraduate course work in the US in that subject without earning any credits to make up for academic deficiencies. A master’s degree is generally for a year but usually takes 2 years to complete. MBA requires 4 semesters to complete.
Doctorate degree - In USA a doctorate degree is the highest academic qualification. Doctorate degrees include research, course work, exams, dissertation and all this takes a minimum of 3 years or even more to complete.
Request for application material
Applying to a graduate school may be slightly different from the undergraduate application procedure. You may write a letter requesting information from the graduate admissions advisor or e-mail your request for information. The information packet will give you the course descriptions, resources and size of the department, addresses and phone numbers, faculty and specialties they cover, publications, research work in progress, requirements, scholarships/fellowships, deadlines etc. An applicant to graduate course is expected to assess in terms of his personal interests what the department is offering. Since at this level you will work in a specialized area and some universities are specialists in that area, you may request application material from them. When doing so it is important for you to give your qualifications in detail, your proposed plan for study and whether you are looking for a masters' or a doctorate degree.
Graduate application form
The graduate application includes a section on educational experience and work experience. When applying it is presumed that a graduate student is well aware of his study goals. The application form has provision to give clear description of the academic work you have carried out, the courses you have taken, time spent and extent of coverage. GRE scores, letters of recommendation from professors and your academic profile help them to understand how you would fit into their program. At the graduate level experience of publications, research projects, departmental assistantship, are valuable inputs for the admissions committee.
Statement of purpose
Graduate applications must carry your statement of purpose which will tell the admission office of your academic experience and goals. This statement must explain that your interests match the program you seek to enter, your pursuits in this area and projections about your future aspirations.
Letters of recommendation or reference
If institutions request letters of recommendation, ask two or three people to write letters on your behalf. The college or university will specify the number of letters to be submitted. Those you ask to serve as references should be people who hold respected positions and who know you and your academic work well. Present or former teachers, professors or employers are possible choices. For recommendation letters to be effective, they should contain insights into your seriousness of purpose, academic promise, motivation, adaptability, personality and character. For graduate students, statements about research ability, as well as preparation and promise in the specific field, are necessary. Recommendations which give an honest appraisal of your capabilities—weak points as well as strong points—are much more convincing to U.S. admissions officers (and therefore more valuable) than general letters of extreme praise. These letters should be in English, or accompanied by a translation. If a form is provided by the college or university, it must be used. To guarantee candor and confidentiality, it is essential that evaluations be mailed directly to the admissions officer of the admitting institution, without having been read by the applicant. As a courtesy, give each person a stamped airmail envelope addressed to the institution. Write in the lower left hand corner of the envelope "Re: Application of (your name)."
Evidence of financial resources
Admissions officers will not issue the certificates needed to request a visa for study in the United States until they are satisfied that you have enough money, from whatever sources, to cover all expenses during the period of stay in the United States. Most institutions require that you submit statements of detailed information on the amounts and sources of funds available to pay your educational and living expenses while in the US. The financial part of the application for graduate study has application of assistantships which will require well known references and evidence of undergraduate GPA and previous experience. If you can afford financing yourself for the first semester then enroll as a self financing student. This will enhance your admission to prestigious universities.
For making a final decision before an offer is made to an applicant many universities prefer to meet the student. The college representative could be an admission officer or a college alumni residing in the applicants country or region. Some universities may even send their representatives abroad to meet prospective students from other parts of the world. The interview arranged by the university serves two purposes: It gives an opportunity to the applicant to learn more about the institution. The interviewer also gets first hand information about your abilities, goals, interests etc. The interviews are informal and provide an opportunity for exchange of information.
Caution needs to be taken when the interviewer is not a representative, staff, faculty or alumni but a third party. These third party recruiters may promise admission before your application has been screened by the university admission office. This does not speak highly of the college and the standard may not be what you expect of a USA college. You should make enquiries before making a final decision concerning your application.
On receiving decisions from the colleges, an applicant is expected to confirm or decline offer of admission. On confirmation you have to make a deposit ($50 - $500) to guarantee and retain the offer within the stipulated deadlines.
Some universities also prepare a waiting list for applicants who they approve for recruitment but cannot offer a place. Universities expect your response to such offers too.